
Falling like the stars



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-10-2021, 10:43 AM

She didn't fully understand what he meant, but she admired how observant he was. Thinking that the stars were here even while the sun was out, she wasn't even sure that she knew that. But they didn't move like the sun or the moon. Well, maybe they did, she wasn't educated with constellations and whatnot. But she did have the realization of what he was saying was true. The sun somehow hid the stars during the day, and they made their appearance at night with the moon. Their stunning, beautiful appearance above them in The Starlit Plains.

She just admired the stars in his statement until he introduced himself as Sota. She decided she could relax more and laid down beside him before introducing herself almost quietly like if she spoke too loud, the stars would all retreat to nowhere. "I'm Serenity." And her gaze moved back to the star lit sky, She would have nearly missed the shooting star if Sota hadn't said anything. She was getting lost in those thoughts again. She smiled as he pointed it out, her nose slowly following it's tail in the sky until it vanished into it's destination. "Wonder where it's going." She had never sat, or laid down to watch the stars like this. There were many nights she spent under the stars, but somehow this moment felt a little different. Maybe from sharing it with someone? Sota was clearly just a stranger, but it was easy for Serenity to feel comfortable in his presence. Her whole life had been full of strangers, and maybe that's what made it so easy for her to be sociable. But now under the stars here, she had to realize that her whole life wasn't going to be full of strangers anymore. That she would see Sota again one day soon, as well as her siblings and her father and everyone else that resided in The Hallows or even more that would join. It somehow almost made her feel sick, though because she thought she had to put up some kind of expectation for herself. She didn't think she was worthy of the company of others. That they wouldn't like her or think she was weird or something of the sort. It felt silly that in her adult age she felt this way, and she wanted to change the way she felt. But she didn't know what kind of steps she had to take to get there.

Total Word Count: 1635 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words (Met)
