
the one and only



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 05:47 PM

Truthfully, Epiphron could ask for no one more perfect in the entire world. Despite the exhaustion that seemed to constantly ravage her, and the uncomfortable sensation of the pups growing inside her belly, she couldn't help but smile as he lay down next to her, for she was certain that no woman was more lucky than she. Though she found herself growing irritable quite easily, and often emotional, thinking of her father -- and how he would never meet these grandchildren, in her heart she was truly happy.

Her joy shone briefly in her blue eyes as she gazed at him beside her, tail thumping twice against the earth. "I knew that seeing your fat wife would brighten your day," she teased rather gently, rolling further onto her side. She missed when she could simply plop on her belly, but not only was that uncomfortable, but she didn't love the idea of crushing her babies. Her ear flicked when he pulled away, a smile lighting up her face. "I'm okay right now," she offered simply. It wasn't something she found terribly easy to vocalize, and there was little she could do about it -- and she found herself a bit too proud to seek help from Loccian, though she knew that she would require the healer's help when actually giving birth. It was far easier to bite her tongue and hide the pain ... for as long as she could. But it seemed all the pain washed away as his muzzle shifted to place kisses on her belly, and her grin grew wider.

"You're going to be a great father," she noted softly, smiling never faltering. "Perhaps even as good of a father as my own was, but we will see..." The Queen teased gently, stretching to nudge his nose with her own.