
I like long walks on the beach



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
08-10-2021, 03:40 PM

As part of his plan to help Lillith grow stronger and get her more used to being out in the world, Romulus had begun planning little trips beyond the Hallowed lands to show Lil some of what she'd been missing out on all her life. He wanted her to experience the world, to see all the sights and smell all the scents and hear all the sounds. He wanted her to run and play and discover and learn and laugh. He wanted to include her in all his adventures and bring her along with him while he explored Auster and Boreas and rebuilt his family where they belonged. Today's adventure would be out to the shore. He didn't know if Lillith had ever been to the beach, gotten to feel the sand between her toes or the lap of the surf on her paws or the salty air in her face, but she was going to today!

Lillith had been sleeping in lately, so Roman was fine letting her get her beauty sleep while he did his morning patrol and exercises. Afterwards, he'd grabbed a couple pieces of dried venison and headed to Lil's room, pausing outside her door in the Adravendi wing to make sure her dad wasn't anywhere around before he quietly lifted the latch and slunk into her room. He thought about knocking to announce his entry, but when he saw her sleeping form on her bed, he knew he didn't have it in him to disturb her. Flinching a little when he realized he had almost woken her already, Roman very slowly and quietly closed the door behind him. He carried their breakfast over to her bed, setting the dried meats on the edge before coming up to rest his head right beside hers, watching her sleep for a moment with a small smile. She looked so peaceful, so perfect... like none of the ailments of the world could affect her. Part of him didn't want to bring her back into this world and would rather let her have her escape from reality, even if just for a moment.

Without saying a word, Romulus lifted his paws to the bed and slowly brought his muzzle towards hers, placing a very soft, tender kiss to the end of her snout. "Liiiilliiiiith..." he whispered to her in a sing-song tone and a grin on his face. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty! We've got an adventure today!"
