
Crime and Punishment

Venom, Hattori, Kitsune, Takeshi



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-10-2021, 03:40 PM
Everyone she directly called actually showed and it took a great deal of effort for Tox to keep the surprise off her face. She offered each pup a pointed look, But didn't move to say anything beyond that. Her expression, although remaining mostly neutral, still probably showed her disappointment clearly. If they could manage to show up so quickly when they were in trouble then what had kept them from the sermons she wondered.

Hattori arrived next, and the silence between the trio was thick. There was no secret to their disagreements when it came to religion, but as long as they let each other tend to their tasks they usually didn't have an issue. Toxicity wondered today if that kind of peaceful overlooking of each other's dissatisfaction would come to an end. She spared him no particular greeting and it was obvious they were all waiting for Venom to make her appearance, after all this entire discussion pivoted heavily on how she herself reacted as not only the alpha but as an Abraxas herself.

Without making them wait much longer, Venom arrived and dulled out a small affection to each child before greeting her sister. Never want to beat around the bush, Toxicity got right down to business.

"I've called you both here today as well as your children because it appears as if they have missed two of the three mandatory sermons to become an Abraxas at the Yearling Ascension Ceremony. If they don't make up these lessons, then they cannot be considered true Abraxas." Toxicity looked at each of the members in turn letting her words sink in for a moment.

"It is inconvenient to have to make up these sermons now and only for two pups when the rest of them have done their due duty and attended faithfully regardless of their personal feelings or the feelings of those around them. They have participated well and asked questions, and it will be my honor to introduce them to our father, Archon."

Toxicity took the time to look at both pups at hand and to try to gauge their feelings and reaction. Would they rebel, or would they decide to go along as their siblings had. In either case, how would their parents react? With one being not really just at all, and the other being religious by birth but perhaps far steered from that path as of now.

"The past that I see for these children are one of three. One, you can disown them as your children and a Abraxas, Venom. They will not carry the Abraxas name, but they can remain Hattori's children as mortals."

She paused a moment, leveling her gaze to Hattori, if for no other reason than to simply include him into the conversation.

"Two, Venom can revoke the Abraxas name, taking all of her children with them descending into mortals and forsaking any claim they may still have to the spiritual world in the afterlife of such."

Again, a pause, her mismatched eyes flicking from Hattori to Venom.

"Lastly, the pup can make up their sermons, but his punishment they will help me clean the entire shrine grounds, and they will stay as residents of the shrine until they complete both of their lessons before the Ascension ceremony."

The choice was up to them. Toxicity had laid it out and now simply waited. There is no anger in her voice, nor in her demeanor. For her, this was simply a matter of fact and logic over the feelings and desires of a mortal body or a mortal heart. She was giving them a peaceful out, if they wanted it, perhaps offering her last grace to her sister if she chose to take it.