
Pretty is as Pretty Does



7 Years
08-05-2013, 06:05 PM

Surreal nipped carefully at the plant her mother had sent her out to get. The descriptions had been carefully given, hammered into her mind. Peppermint. Dark reddish brown square stem and veins, deep green, coldly refreshing scented leaves. She liked the taste, and her tail wagged softly. She rather enjoyed gathering for her mother, it was a gentle reminder that life wasn?t all about warrior training. She wondered at a ladybug that crawled along a blade of grass, the orange-red base color spangled with neat black dots, and the black head, bright against the verdant green blade.

Straightening, mouth full of Peppermint, she breathed deeply, mind clearing with the smell of the plant, and made her way home. Coming down the ravine, her tail waved happily as she trotted along. She climbed the natural stairs and dropped the peppermint on her mother?s pile of unsorted herbs, then turned and bounded out of the cave, leaping the stair with a softly panted laugh, before she took off at a run down the narrow ravine path, silver back spangled with dappled sunlight from the gap at the top of what was almost a tunnel. During a rainstorm, the water that would dribble from the leaves that finished the gap was very pretty.

Surreal ran along the path out to the rest of Valhalla, tail high, but not too high. It didn?t take her long before she came to the border, panting slightly from the run. She padded along the border, patrolling. Alright, so, practicing patrolling. She was only a yearling, after all. But Azalea was a Yearling, and she was an Heir. Then again, Azalea?s papa had been Alpha for a while, so? Surreal bounced into a trot, then paused, quivering. Oooh. A stranger! The wind, her Uncle Cormalin had drilled it into her head to pay attention to the wind, and everything around her. Now, the wind carried a change, a scent. Her brow point?s pulled together as she tried to mull it over. Male, and as old as she was! He smelled kind of like? Creed! A sibling? One of the brothers Creed had said was actually bigger than him. And Creed had been big, last she had seen him. That was last season.

She could smell more now, now that she paid even closer attention. A female, about the same age! And there was Mother! She took off at a lope. Mother might need help. These two didn?t smell like Valhalla-- A butterfly fluttered past her nose, bright yellow with black markings. Her path averted, attention snagged. The butterfly fluttered along, delicately avoiding her leaps and pounces, completely caught until-- There was a big body in her path, right in front of! She swerved with a squeak, in mid leap, and the butterfly fluttered away, completely forgotten in favor of avoiding a collision with? whoever this was.

The effect of her attempt to avoid bumping into the other wolf was that she teetered back on her hind paws, then sat down hard with a soft ?Uhmph!?. She snuffed, blinking, then looked around, and blinked again. ?Oh? Erm this guy was big! And there was her mother. And a black and white female with blue eyes in a patch of thistles? Mismatched blue and gold eyes flicked back to the wall of wolf she?d nearly collided with, and her head ducked. ?Sorry?? She hefted herself to her feet and slipped to her mother?s side, feeling and looking embarrassed to the core. Butterflies were for puppies!

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.