
stock the shelves

Citala <3



2 Years
08-10-2021, 06:25 PM

He was quite pleased to see that Citala was still quite eager to stick to her duties, and worked well with him in these situations. She shook her head at the notion of dissent among the captives, which was a good sign for the weeks to come. If there were going to be wasted hours quelling a potential uprising among the captives, he would need to inform Augustus of a change in the layout of their guards. "Everything went as well as could be expected." the petite fae finally said, though she seemed far from pleased by the notion. Absinthe could hardly expect her to be delighted by the subservience of a multitude of captives carted from their homes against their will. He was hardly pleased to be stealing children from their families- this was not the proper way for acquiring servants, in his experience. Those who wanted to work, in exchange for room and board, or the security of their families, would enlist their services willingly. Save for a few exceptions like Citala, who had been indentured by her very birth, and sent to work at his castle later in life.

"Idalia did well, she's adjusted quickly." the dark femme mentioned, and he fought to contain the beleaguered sigh that threatened to cross his lips. Her situation was far from ideal. That ember riddled pelt and those sunfire eyes, coupled with a group of bloodthirsty mongrels who had been at sea for too long without entertainment.. it was a tragedy. That girl hardly deserved to suffer like that, but he was not in a position to do any more than collect her small, weeping body into a bed every other night and cover her in a tattered blanket. "I can only hope she is claimed by one of the clients that visits soon, she has... caught the eye of many of the men. I do not want them to continue this behaviour much longer. It is not good for a young girl like that to endure such.. activity." he mumbled with the slightest curl of his lip in disdain. Blinking a few times, he dismissed the topic and shifted back to business. Glancing her way, he decided he would add a bit more to her workload. So far he was hoping to keep her in passive duties, where she would be able to escape undesirable situations should they arise. He'd never openly admit he had a soft spot for the girl he'd grown up with, it would only be used against him later on. "I would also request your presence during the day, monitoring the customers' behaviour and fielding any questions that might arise at any point." he said next, letting his attention slide away to monitor the offloading once more.
