
Over Protection




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-10-2021, 06:43 PM

The two large women moved along together in relative silence. Eska didn't mind silence at all and it seemed that Serenity didn't mind it either. The pair were taking their patrol leisurely; neither in a hurry. The brindled woman had never felt a need to impress anyone, nor did she feel a need to be something that she wasn't. She had spoken her piece at the meeting, telling the children of Ulric that she would be there when they needed and that hadn't been a lie. She would be what they needed, but she would continue to be her usual stoic, no-nonsense self as she did it.

As the ladies moved together out of territory, a scent caught Eska's nose. The muddled scent of predator and blood. Dark ears pricked forward as the silver and obsidian woman went on alert. Behind them, Eska's dogs scented it too. A low growl pulled from Baz and Avaset followed. The dogs took the lead, loping through the foliage. Moments later, the growls and snarls of a fight met Eska's ears and she threw her weight into her paws.

Pushing through the greenery behind the dogs, Eska took a moment to absorb the scene. A massive lion, its mane patchy and dark, had killed a wolf. It wasn't a wolf that belonged to the Hallows, thankfully, but it was a wolf nonetheless. A predator with the taste for wolf blood couldn't be allowed to live. Though she was still healing, Eska would not hold back from this fight.

With Baz and Avaset keeping the lions attention, Eska rushed in, jaws snapping down on the hip of the tawny beast. She thrashed her head back and forth, leaving big tears in the cats hide. It roared and spin, one paw coming out to swipe at her, but Eska was already stepping back. She could feel the pain in the muscles of her neck, but she would push past it.
