
I Just Had To Come Back




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
08-10-2021, 07:51 PM
Relm had almost not noticed him struggling with his bile until he pulled into himself trying to push it back down. But when he actually finally threw up she pulled back herself, standing and taking a couple steps back. It was a bit of an over reaction through her eyes, but that was simply because she didn't feel what he felt. She didn't have an attachment to Agria, not one little bit. Agria was dead before she was lifeless. Kefka had broken her physically and mentally. So really she was no one to her. She saw Kefka cry when he killed her, but Kefka nearly never mentioned it again. Kefka taught her that Agria had paid for her crimes, crimes of taking him away for herself. Of course she didn't know that included rape among other things. She didn't know a lot of things. Just from observation of other 'normal' wolves, she knew that they didn't share mothers with their fathers. She knew it wasn't right in a way. She didn't know the extent other than it probably shouldn't have been that way. She didn't feel any type of horrible way about it. She didn't feel like an abomination, she didn't feel like she didn't belong in this world. She felt actually quite normal given the circumstances. She didn't believe she was anything like her father, as wrong as that might have been. But she was also quite different from him. She was like him in the way he raised her, she wasn't like him in the way he was truly mentally fucked up. The reason why Agria kept him away from others, a reason that no one would ever know.

Relm had actually considered walking away, she tried to give her uncle a moment but it was almost taking too long. Sitting here watching him wrench, it was almost sickening to her. Sickening to see him feel so mentally sick. And she couldn't understand how he was feeling. But he contained himself, tried to be a little more presentable after the moment. And when he told Relm he was sorry, she didn't deserve a life like this, she scowled at him. It may have even been offensive to her. She didn't feel that way. She may not have liked the way she grew up, hated her father or whatever. But she didn't feel like her life wasn't worth living. She was capable for herself, she could drop her roots so easily. And then it felt like the problem was rid of.

She could hear the genuine tones in her uncle's voice, maybe almost pleading with her to stay with him. And she felt almost pressured to do so. But she was alone. Rhaegath had disappeared, she was again in a state that made her feel in danger. Kefka could be around any corner, waiting to kill her like he did Agria. "I don't... mind that." She said, not really confident. But she was getting older, old enough to be on her own even though she already was. But maybe she would never really feel free until Kefka was taken care of, until it was absolutely certain he wouldn't be there to threat her. Though what he was capable of wasn't completely known to her.
