
ten cent man in a hundred dollar suit




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-10-2021, 11:55 PM
Ulric felt his shoulder land solidly into the man's chest, the boney curve of his shoulder taking the brunt of the impact though he felt like he would probably cause himself a bit of bruising with the hit. His teeth scraped Deion's side with his glancing bite just as he felt his opponent's forelegs hook around his neck, the heavy weight of the other similarly built man leaning into him and putting pressure on him, threatening to throw off his balance. While he was focusing on keeping himself on his feet and readjusting his stance to account for the change in position, Ulric felt the sting of teeth cutting into his scruff, making him grimace with a low growl. It wasn't anything serious, just enough to be an annoyance with a sharp bit of pain to follow it.

With his stance widened to distribute the extra weight and leaning back into Deion to off set him trying to make him stumble, Ulric did manage to keep his balance, though it did limit his range of motion a good bit. In an attempt to use the man's position against him, he tried to make a hard twist of his upper half away from Deion, hoping that either he'd have to give up his hold around his neck or get pulled off of his feet. He could certainly work with either option.

Ulric Adravendi vs Deion Aeris for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked leather bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced leather armor
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Bard

Ulric Adravendi