
Pretty is as Pretty Does



08-05-2013, 07:27 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

From the voice and the smile of the older white she-wolf, Orica was begining to think that she was going to be just fine. She was rather nice.

"And it is an honor to meet a healer who knows so much at so young an age-"

Make that very nice; Orica tucked her chin, wiggling her ears and blinking her eyes like she always did when she was made to blush like that. One of the disadvantages to having such short, light colored cheek fur was that it it was possible that a touch of rouge was now made visible there as she wagged her tail happily. She didn't think she was anything to brag about - not yet anyway. She had a long way to go before she was as great or as brilliant as her Asheni and some of the other healers Aunty Crusade had talked about. But it was so nice to hear it said and to have that sort of encouragement. All at once she was proud and happy to meet someone new and extremely embarrassed at the situation she'd put herself in. Her head hung a little lower at the gentle chiding she received about pack borders. "Sorry," she murmured simply. She'd be better about that in the future.

That was when Miss Erani turned the conversation to Cross. It was a surprise to hear that she knew Crusade! And more of a surprise to hear that Cross knew of this - of course it was a surprise to hear Cross at all. Orica never quite knew where his mind was - even when he did speak, but it was nice to hear him talking naturally. Having turned her head she threw him a little, beaming smile. A smile which only widened when he talked about her aspirations to be like their dearly departed Aunt. Orica nodded vigorously as she turned back round to Erani.

?So, what brings you young two down west-??

That sent Orica's tail wagging. "Just a foraging trip," she said, happy to explain, and eager to speak with a wolf of her same craft. "Our family travels around now, mostly in the north so I like to keep stocked up on things." She turned a little, moving forward the shoulder over which hung her medic's bag. She loved it quite dearly and knew that it had been enough to impress the last fellow healer she'd met. It was where she stored much of her herbs, and even now a few thistle heads poked through the top. The scents of red clover and wood sorrel, not to mention lavender and dandelion and plantain and willow sprigs all flooded forth from the bag, along with the old musty scents of dust and earth from when it had laid in the ground for years. It was worn and moss covered in places, and it had an odd two-leg symbol of white with a red cross. "At the moment, our pack's only healer is all fat with puppies, so I run around and help whereever I can. I like to travel and meet new people - but Cross here-"


Orica gave a gasp and was quite close to closing her eyes, but she let out a sigh of relief as the grey she-wolf - who looked to be another yearling- pulled up just short of a crash. Orica blinked. She had been about to say "Cross here thinks its dangerous." Silently, she bit her tongue. Luckily, no one was hurt. The grey girl got up and slinked over to Erani, looking a tad embarressed. Orica's eyes flew to Cross worriedly. She hoped he wouldn't get aggitated or annoyed enough to ask to leave. But far from it... He looked...


What was wrong with his eyes? They kept staring at that girl like she was rainbow colored lobster.

Orica shook her head dismissively, and let show a little grin. "That was close.- I'm Orica, what's your name?" It was such a treat to meet someone her own age, and even cooler - this girl had the different colored eyes. With her mother, Ocena, having them and all, Orica had always thought them beautiful and secretly she wished to goodness that she had been born with one red eye like or mom or a gold eye like her dad. Here this girl had exactly that! Very lucky!
