
Feel It All Slipping Away




2 Years

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-11-2021, 01:37 PM

Spark had known that the Barbarians were uncouth, she'd been prepared for them to bombard her with their emotions like she was their lover but she hadn't necessarily been expecting them to be so outwardly rude with their words on top of it all. Her paws signed out annoyance, frustration. But as she spoke her face a tone remained as it always did, flat. "My people consider your people's visible emotion as rude, but I can assure you we are a warrior society." Spark moved forward as she spoke, her toes spreading to grip the muddy earth and her tail flagging out behind her rump, lining up with her spine as an elegant rudder. She rocked on her toes, feeling the ground under her paws. The ground was slicker than she'd ever worked with before but as she slid a paw along the ground to gauge how much her grip had changed...

Spark looked at the young girl, rude or not she wasn't going to turn around and walk away with her tail between her legs. She didn't burst forward like she might have been tempted to do on a drier day, instead, she started towards the young girl, picking up her pace so she didn't skid and slide all over the place, she would attempt to charge towards the blue girl head-on, lowering her head, neck craning, and jaw parting. Spark would attempt to get in close to her opponent, her plan was to drop suddenly once she was in close and try to slide under the other girl's chest and stomach while at the same time she aimed to grab onto the girl's left forepaw, both just to give her opponent a bite but also hoping her momentum would pull her opponent both off her paws but over in such a way she wouldn't land on top of Spark.

Spark of the Ademre vs Onyx for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: 1 Year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Intellectual & Beginner Fighter
Specialty: N/A

WC: 311 (1380/1500)


Image by Honrin