
judge, jury, executioner



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-11-2021, 04:42 PM
Indigo had never felt so alone. Despite the band that surrounded him, the man had spent the last few nights alone. He could have found Gypsy, or tried to coax Segin away from Emersyn, but nothing would have felt right anyway. Nothing would ever really be aligned and right ever again. He’d thrown himself into his work, patrols, herb gather, and he tried to hunt but he had never been any good and even with practice wasn’t very successful. He had to keep going, he had to prepare, because the winter wouldn’t wait for anyone, not even unborn innocent puppies.

He again withheld a soft sigh as Duchess crept closer and took her place where he asked. Gypsy was next, appearing from the herd of goats as she lay by the fire, closely followed by Segin and Emersyn. There were some confused looks, but no one said a word as they gathered before him. The atmosphere was incredibly different from the day they left the hallows. A stark and depressing contrast to the hopeful future they set out to grasp. How a season could change everything.

Indy opened his eyes as almost everyone gathered. Cosette had been distant for a long time now, and he felt like even she realized he wasn’t worth following. He took in a deep breath and looked to Duch, her guilt written plainly on her averted features. "What do you have to say for yourself, Duchess?” He asked her softly, but there was little warmth in his voice. "How can you work towards making your transgressions right?” He continued, waiting for her answer and allowing her to talk before he looked to the other members of the band.

"And what do you say?” He asked, much more uncertainly as he looked to each wolf before him. Gypsy, Segin… Emersyn. She had given her testimony already, but if she wished to repeat herself for the rest of them he would not interrupt.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.