
The Once and Present Kings

Gargoyle I


08-05-2013, 08:09 PM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

To the new King's invitation, Gargoyle could give a bow of his head and graciously accept. He wasn't about to try to appear more the warrior by refusing so generous an offer of rest. Besides, it was no park stroll to get from the Soul Sand Cove in the North all the way to Seracia - and at a sharp pace too. "Much obliged," came the northern beast's reply, and he fell readily into step alongside Maverick. He made sure to let the boy-that is- the other male, have a bit of a lead. Gargoyle meanwhile took it easy and enjoyed the sights around him. How long had it been since he'd been this far south? How long had it been since he'd spent any time away from the pack at all? Ages. Practically ages.

He loved his packmates and prefered to be with them, but he couldn't deny that it was nice here. Not to mention toasty. He was lucky he'd just shed his winter coat or he would've been panting like an old porch hound. As it was, he was able to take in big lungfulls of the lovely air, and stare up at all the trees which were nowhere to be found in the Northern reaches. Lovely...

But smelling the roses couldn't last forever. After a bit of walking, Gargoyle's drawl-like rumblings broke the silence. "The thing is, you'll have to reevaluate whether or not you wish us as allies. After all, I no longer lead what post would call a pack." How's that for an opening sentence? "I am no longer Chief of Glaciem." As he walked he stretched his neck out a bit, and let his left foreleg take the lead in his stride. Fur had mostly grown back by now but it was a slightly lighter shade - making it possible to see just how huge had been the wounds on his neck and throat and inner left leg. "I was challenged, and I lost." He didn't elaborate or make excuses. It was the last thing any Alpha ever wanted to say. In fact, most never lived to say it - they chose death at the hands of their challenger or at the elements rather than continue on with life in defeat. For someone like Gargoyle,well, it didn't take much imagination to wonder how heavy and terrible it had been to carry a burden like that, but the male's eyes seemed unable to show pain. "The challenger and her mate were Cairo-spawn," he murmured, and there was just enough rumble to hint to a lurking growl. "But they recieved nothing but an empty shell. All the pack traveled south with me and for a time we claimed Tortuga - which had been dispersed. But their choice of homeland is poor. My family has gone through one volcanic eruption and no one wants to see a second." Certainly him least of all. "-so we left. Since then we have become rogues. Some of us have wandered off to other lands, but for the most part, we remain a traveling band, and I remain a chief of sorts." He spoke in part because Maverick was a friend and because he wished to inform him, but also because there was a diplomatic side to all of it. "We have little to offer into any alliance now. Though coming litters of pups keep our numbers strong, we have no set territory and no plans of warfare or control." He shrugged a pair of massive shoulders. "But even if a true alliance cannot be maintained, you should may count the 'Snow Rogues' among the friends of your reign."


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint