
Blur the Lines



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-11-2021, 11:58 PM
After spending a few months in Chimera's ownership, one would think Aliana would grow used to the manner in which Chimera treated her, the way he bit her, the way he fucked her, but she hadn't. Life with Chimera was like a roller coaster, a constantly changing and unexpected shift and roll and loop as she was taken for a ride. Some days could be smooth, peaceful, quiet—but really those days were just the climb before the fall whenever something would set his temper off, or he'd just get into a dominant mood and let his aggression out. Sometimes Ali thought he did what he did simply because he was bored and he could. Whatever the reason, Chimera had become increasingly more aggressive and violent towards her, perhaps from frustrations within his own personal affairs, or maybe to release some of his pent up aggression that fighting and hunting had left him with. Either way, the results were always the same: deep bites and hard poundings.

Chimera had been exceptionally savage with her this time. He bit her neck, he clawed at her hips, he ravaged her inside as badly as he did outside. Pain and discomfort mixed with adrenaline and pleasure as Aliana was forced to take everything he gave her. By the time he was done, Ali lay sprawled across the jaguar's corpse, covered in her blood and Chimera's fluids, almost every part of her body numb or tingling. Her mind reeled, swirled, spun, the world just a blur of dancing colors before her eyes as she panted hard to try and catch her breath. Of all the ways Chimera had claimed her, this had been the most brutal. The behemoth brute had thoroughly staked his claim over her, a physical reminder that she belonged to him in every conceivable sense. He had saved her life, but he was also demonstrating how he could break her if he desired it. The jaguar had not been the most threatening predator on this island.

Aquamarine eyes blinked a few times to try and reorient her vision while parts of her throbbed with pain that was thankfully dulled by her incoherent brain. Her paws, which had been gripping onto the jaguar's body in reaction to the force of Chimera's hips slamming into hers, gradually relaxed their hold. Heavy, ragged panting began to settle down to breathless gasps, her body hanging limp where Chimera left her lying. His command to go find Siren to get seen to didn't register in her consciousness, but her brain and body responded on autopilot, shifting to rise unsteadily to her paws as she slid and stumbled off of the jaguar. Her hind legs almost gave out immediately as soon as she hit the ground, but Ali bore the pain with a soft yelp and gritted teeth. She would obey her master's order, more out of her sense of survival than duty this time. Chimera had slaughtered the jaguar, ravaged her bloody, bitten her in the back of her neck so hard she could still feel blood seeping through her fur. She didn't dare see what would happen if she tried to disobey him.

As strong as she tried to be, the pain deep inside her nether regions and the aching sting in the back of her neck that radiated throughout her body was clearly seen in the way she limped off, unable to keep a steady gait all the way back to the dens. She didn't try to clean herself up at all; she simply didn't have the strength to. She would seek out Siren to make sure her wounds were taken care of so she wouldn't bleed out, then she would tend to herself. That had been Chimera's bidding, and everything she did was at the behest and the pleasure of Chimera. Always for Chimera.

- exit Aliana -


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.