
Set the stage

Templar and Seneschal Meeting


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-12-2021, 01:20 AM

Ezra was grinning like a fool as he looked up at Syanna with his large paws wrapped around her waist, holding her tight to him while her paws roamed over his chest and make little tingles of electricity spark all over his skin. His paws returned the favor, tracing up and down along her back and over her thighs, touching every inch of her he could reach while she leaned down to kiss him, returning the affection eagerly. Ever since the night she snuck in to give him a "check up" they had been all over each other every moment they could get. He didn't know how much of it was her heat and how much of it was just an actual, insatiable attraction between them, but either way he was having the time of his life! But just as he was starting to get lost in the heat of the moment, gripping tighter to her smaller body and pressing himself up into her, he heard his father's howl calling them and his head flopped back onto the bed with a similar exasperated groan. He just had to need them right this second, didn't he?! Ezra was very, very tempted to ignore him - it wasn't like his other siblings hadn't ignored him before, why couldn't he? But considering he was calling them specifically made him feel like their presence would be more sorely missed.

He sighed heavily, giving her another squeeze before he reluctantly let her slip out of his grasp. "Impeccable timing indeed," he grumbled, rolling to his paws and hopping down off the bed so he could shake out his fur. On the way down to the meeting hall he couldn't help but sneak a little kisses or two, already hoping that whatever this meeting was would go by fast so they could get back to the room to finish off what they started. He walked into the feast hall with Syanna, looking up at where his father was seated along with Avantika who had gotten there just before them. "Hey, dad," he said with a grin, hoping he came off as casually as he was trying to be as he sat down across from him. He offered Avantika a grin as well, giving her a little nod of his head.

Ezra Adravendi