
Tango, Foxtrot, Delta




2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-12-2021, 04:30 PM

It came as no surprise that Jynn was just as quick witted as she was fleet-footed. He grinned at her response of "We were, but what can I say? I can never pass up a shot at lunch." as she pinned the half-dead fish into the sand with one dark paw. He couldn't say he was as familiar with eating saltwater fish and he wondered if he should start ranging further from his usual hunting spots to find his meals. Variety was the spice of life, after all. Swallowing down a bite of fish, the tall fae peered at him. "Did you want any? I was thinking if you're up for a swim we could explore that island over there." she said offhandedly, and lifted one paw to point towards the looming shape of the island in the distance. He blinked at it a few times, and returned his attention to his new friend.

"I'm definitely good to keep exploring, don't know if I've ever swam that far though. It'll be a fun thing to try, I think!" he replied, and then glanced at her partially devoured meal. "I'll also finish off whatever you don't feel like eating." he chuckled. While she worked away at her fish, he decided to plod through the sand and towards that strange pool that had formed in the centre of the island they'd stopped at. It was definitely deeper than it initially looked, and he kicked a half-broken shell into the water just to watch it sink. It seemed to keep on going, until he was pretty sure the water was simply too dark for him to track its progress any deeper. Did anything live down there? The lichen dappled wolf dipped his head towards the water to taste it- and found it to be just as salty as the sea. Spitting the water back out, he frowned at the vibrant blue abyss. Maybe he'd have to come back and dive down there to see what it was hiding?

Lifting his head over his shoulder, he checked on Jynn. "I'm ready whenever you are!" he called as he trotted back towards her, stumpy tail twitching excitedly.

-Exit Bog and Jynn to Daager Isle!-

"speech" thinking "others"