
Splat! [Bog]



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
08-12-2021, 04:50 PM

In all honesty, he'd been a bit too caught up in the process of gutting the fish to notice that his dinner guest had gotten closer. "So, what are you doing? Why are you cutting up the fish like that?" It was only when he looked up to answer his question that he found himself faced with those vibrant mismatched eyes and nice cheekbones right there, and nicely highlighted by the flames. A soft Oh! escaped him, and he blinked at the larger wolf for a moment. Remembering the initial question, he brought his gaze back to the now softly sizzling fish on the stone slab. It was easier to talk when he was a bit flustered if he was keeping his paws busy, so he plucked his antler blade back up and started busily wiping it through the dry, sandy soil. "I've been trying to take up cooking my meals every now and again, because catfish are pretty easy to catch and there's a lot ya can do with them. Taking out the hindgut keeps the poop and half-digested food inside from spoiling the taste after I've seasoned it." he explained slowly, letting small clumps of sand fall away from the blade with each pass through the sand. "I give those bits to Bug, cause he doesn't really care either way," he gestured vaguely with the knife to the goliath frog who was now cleaning the mess from his snack from his mouth with his tongue and one webbed front foot. "and once it's seasoned with whatever herbs I've picked up lately, I let the whole thing cook on the fire. The meat just tastes better like that, so it's a little treat for myself every now and again." he said with a shrug, and found himself satisfied with the now cleaned blade in his right paw.

There was a brief silence, and then his own question found itself answered by the boy at his side. "I'm from Habari. We're the pack that lives on the volcano northwest of here." Áskell mentioned, and received a curious hum in response. Glancing over, Bog found his brows lifting in a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "What's it like living near a volcano? I bet ya never have to worry about the cold." he chuckled warmly, eyes crinkling in the corners to pair with his soft grin.

"speech" thinking "others"