
the one and only



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-07-2013, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 08:03 PM by Epiphron.)

A rather big part of her longed for her pregnancy to be over, for their children to be born and for her to regain her sense of freedom --it was the same part of her that wanted so badly to be intimate with Maverick again. And yet another, smaller part of her adored the feeling of pups being so dependent on her that they would quite literally die without her nourishment. They would be her own children, and the couple would raise them to be incredible, perfect children. Epiphron was sure of it.

It pleased her that he seemed as enthralled by her as ever, despite her bulging belly and often irritable attitude. Sapphire gaze gleamed as she eyed him, watching him take in her scent. It would be a huge change, most certainly -- but she was ready. As ready as she could ever be. Warmth radiated from her smile, and she leaned over to nudge his nose again. The suggestion he offered of visiting her sister was a good one, and she nodded gently. "I agree," she said softly. "It will be strange visiting without my father there." The woman's face contorted slightly, vague sadness overtaking her features. It was something she had to do, but it would feel empty -- lonely.

'Besides, it's not as if you've been getting anything done around here.' Smile faded, and her eyes would glow as though she might grow angry at his remark -- but she was not so cold, and knew his comment was merely in jest. With a playful growl, she leaned to nip at his shoulder, teeth just barely grazing his flesh. Not enough to be painful, but perhaps enough to startle him, if he wasn't expecting it.