
Fly Me To The Moon


08-05-2013, 09:13 PM

The conversation Aeil was having with the Princess was indeed an interesting one. Many topics were covered, each one perking the fae's attention and curiosity about what type of person Epiphron was. She shared the white female's gaze as they continued on with their own parts of the conversation that was unfolding between them. "I shall take your word of how politics are, Princess," she laughingly remarked. "But, I won't hesitate to step into that unknown world, should the King or anyone of a similar rank find it fit for me to have such a position in the kingdom." Aeil wanted to let her Highness know that she would be open for anything they asked her to do. She wasn't gullible, but she was intending on making a name and a place for herself in Seracia. After all, she was put on this earth to pull her own weight. Why not help others in the process?
Epiphron explained why she was out and about so late and it made Aeil's ears and eyes perk with a gentle intensity. She was astounded that the young wolf was carrying pups, but she shouldn't have been surprised. When you are a young couple, in love and have the world at your paws, then it was assumed the time together would be spent doing...extracurricular activities because of the love and magnetism. "I had no idea," she said breathlessly. "Congratulations, my lovely lady!" Enthusiasm was evident in her tones and her tail lightly flicked behind her in response. "I cannot wait to see your children out and about..they will be interesting characters, for sure." Again, the open mind Aeil was known to have stood out like a sore thumb.
She watched Epiphron as she idly looked up to the sky and asked of her own reasons for walking around late at night. Her own light blue gaze moved to the sky, promising a clear night with nothing but stars and the moon, before she answered. "I suppose my answer is not a brilliant one, but an answer all the same. I am drawn to being out when there seems to be nothing but silence. Having the night's atmosphere, cool and relaxing at the same time, surround me makes me feel sure about myself and my thoughts are free to wander. I tend to think a lot, more than I probably should..." She whispered the last sentence, gaze silently lowering to the ground a few feet away from where she stood. "I don't know if it is for the good of me or the bad. Either way, I have come a long way from where I was before because of my thoughts." She let her eyes meet Epiphron's, the dancing sapphires reflecting Aeil's dark fur and contemplating facial features. "However, I don't mind it when my mind relaxes and my thoughts cool down into my mental abyss."
