
judge, jury, executioner



3 Years
Extra small
08-14-2021, 07:43 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 07:44 AM by Gypsy. Edited 1 time in total.)

The reason for the gathering was a little surprising to the tiny woman and her eyebrows lifted as Indigo asked the band what they should do about Duchess' indiscretion. The woman in question spoke her piece, saying that she could still hunt with a net and that she would be able to hunt again once they were born. They were being asked to decide the woman's fate. Indigo was the leader of the band. He should have made his decision in private. He knew as well as they did that all of them would go along with whatever decision he had made.

Surprise still etched on her face, Gypsy was next to speak. Though her voice was as soft and whisperish as ever, she was far from the timid, broken creature that she had been when Indigo found her. "What Duchess did was terribly wrong and I won't try to justify her actions, but I can see things from both sides." Funny. Blind. Haha. "No matter her transgression, the children are innocent." Punishment for a pregnant wolf was absurd to Gypsy, a wolf who had received enough punishment to be almost irreversibly damaged.

"I'll watch them when they're born so that Duchess can hunt. I'll do what I can to pick up slack." Gypsy gave her tiny, delicate head a shake, Gypsy continued. "She knows what she did is wrong and things will never be the same for any of us. Duchess will have to fight tooth and nail to regain a semblance of the trust that she one held with the band and I believe she will work to do just that." Gypsy's normally placid face hardened. "I believe that's punishment enough."


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.