
Wish I'd been a teenage rebel




3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
08-14-2021, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2021, 05:59 PM by Chrystelle. Edited 2 times in total.)
The forest with its constant mist hanging over the ground and the steady silence save for the occasional rustle of leaves from a small animal or something of the like was odd at first, but as time passed it had begun to feel like home. Even the skulls that decorated the outside of the den that she and Ocean were offered to live in felt like just part of the scenery now and she barely noticed they were there. She had pulled one of the smaller furs out of the den and spread it across the ground just outside so that she could lay in a patch of sunlight while she worked on preparing some of her valerian root tea and some other poultices and remedies that she had only imagined living in the north. There were so many herbs here, even as they got further and further into the fall and nearing winter, that it was hard not to hoard them all and have the den over flowing with herbs at all times. She did her best to only collect the ones she knew she would use or at least the ones that would dry and keep well, but it was like being a pup being let loose to enjoy as many treats as they wanted.

She had a small fire going to warm up a bowl of water and she was stretched out on the fur she had prepared while she waited, looking up toward the sky through the leaves. In the time since Aslatiel brought them here from Incindium, her condition had improved significantly. Occasionally her cough would sneak up on her if she wasn't diligent about treating her symptoms and she was still fairly weak with a lack of muscle from the many, many days she spent just trying to lay still and not do anything that might aggravate her lungs, but she was already feeling so much better. Having the supplies she needed on hand made all the difference and the warmer weather was much more kind on her lungs. Plus, with Ocean a more constant fixture in her life and the added company of Asla's frequent visits she felt far less alone than she ever had living in the pack. She smiled softly to herself as she thought about the galaxy eyed woman. She truly owed all of this to her and she didn't know how to ever repay her.
