
judge, jury, executioner



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
08-14-2021, 09:39 AM
Segin blinked with surprise when Indigo started questioning Duchess on what she was going to do to make up for what she had done. By now word had gone around for the details of her pregnancy and how it had come to be so he wasn't necessarily surprised by the questions, but he was surprised that Indigo questioned it in a meeting like this. His ears folded back uncertainly and he leaned into Emersyn's side while he watched Duchess start to look more irritated and uncomfortable, telling them she could fish with a net and would be able to hunt once the pups arrived. There were only a few areas of healing that he actually felt confident in, but birthing was one of them from the many unfortunate times he had helped deliver his father's children and he knew that it wasn't as simple as that. It took time to recover after giving birth, especially if the pups were large which they were likely to be with Indigo as the father. Young puppies had to eat so often and so constantly that it would still be weeks until she was free to go back to her duties even if she did bounce back right away.

He held his tongue though as Gypsy spoke, voicing how the children were innocent no matter Duchess' actions and how she would watch after them so that Duchess could hunt, that Duchess knew what she did was wrong and that she'd have to work hard to regain their trust. He couldn't disagree with anything she said. He had thought of Duchess as a friend after all the traveling and exploring they had done together, all the days they had spent scouting and collecting, but now... Now he just felt like he was looking at a stranger. How could a friend and member of their family do something like this? He shifted uncomfortably as a beat of silence passed after Gypsy spoke, feeling as if he should say something even though he wasn't sure what he would do himself.

"I think Gypsy is right, but I think it's good to be realistic too," he said, glancing toward Indigo. "It takes time to recover after giving birth and by that time we'll be into winter by the time that happens." He knew Indigo was a much more skilled healer than he was so it wasn't something he needed to tell him, but it was still good to mention. "At this point I feel like all we can do is prepare the best we can and do what we can to minimize the damage that's been done. Perhaps moving back to Auster where it'll be warmer and prey will be more readily available would be a good idea. Restart our travels in the spring when the pups are a little older and at least able to ride on a cart safely."

Segin Epsilon