
But what if?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-14-2021, 12:41 PM

He smiled and chuckled along with her as she pointed out how he had been more stressed than she had been. That was more true that he wanted it to be and he knew he had to e better about relaxing. He was a work in progress and he was just grateful that Eska was willing to work through these bumps with him. He had realized quickly that this was really his first real relationship with love and understanding and a willingness to adjust and grow together. It was a partnership, just as as she had requested when he started this journey for them. He nodded in agreement to her determination to get better, to get stronger, to teach that bastard that had hurt her a lesson. And he would be there to support her every step of the way. He would be there with a proud smirk on his lips as she brought the fool to the ground and showed him the error of his ways.

As they kissed and indulged in each other for a moment he did his best to keep his desires in check. He done well so far, perhaps even better than he had in the days they spent together before they were officially together and had enjoyed those physical pleasures together for the first time. The stress and worry had helped distract him, but with that gone and her injuries well on their way to recovery it was becoming harder and harder for him to behave. That soft groan that caught in his ears like the most delightful sound and the lust in her gaze certainly didn't help. He hated and loved how she tempted him as she reminded him how they didn't have to wait if he was careful with her. He stood conflicted for a long moment, torn between his desires and what was probably the more responsible choice, but the invitation to go back to their room and the feeling of her claws combing through the fur on his chest finally chipped away at his resolve and he smirked, catching her lips in another firm kiss. I think we should," he agreed in a quiet rumble.

He got to his paws and led Eska out of the infirmary, pausing at the door to hold it open for her and grinning as he snuck a teasing nip to her hip as she walked by. Chuckling softly, he walked up the stairs and down the corridor with her, eagerly closing the door behind them once they were hidden away in their room once more. His lips found hers again and he kissed her passionately for a long moment, all that fire and need he had been tamping down and hiding away coming back to life in an instant. Once he broke their kiss he smirked and told her, "Go lay however is most comfortable for you, my love."
