
rogue taxidermy




Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
08-14-2021, 01:09 PM

Having someone to chat with while he worked was proving to be extremely enjoyable, he didn't have to concern himself with reading into facial expressions and making sure he kept his expressions schooled. Instead, he could focus on something else and listen, while occasionally contributing his own little snippets to the conversation. "There you go! That works too. Or if you happen to have more than one dagger or knife you could use the one that you're not sizing to fit the sheath to make the line. Just don't press too hard at first if you do that because you're just trying to make an outline to follow later." his uncle explained with a warm tone, and the small sliver of pride that had escaped the older male was greedily snatched up. There was no shortage of approval from his mother in his life, yet the boy still craved praise from his elders and superiors. It fuelled the budding ego of a young godling who would eventually take his rightful place within the world. When he glanced up and found Plague watching his progress with a tiny smile, it only furthered his glee. Dark tipped tail swept across the ground behind him in short strokes, venting the energy that built up in him knowing that his uncle was pleased with his work.

"Next you're going to cut the leather along this line you're making. You can use the dagger to do it, it's more than sharp enough so be careful. The line you're scoring is going to be like a guide since it'll make a little grove that's easier to follow than if you had just drawn a line with your claw or a piece of charcoal." Plague continued, offering up the reasons behind the painstaking steps the boy was taking to work the leather. A soft hum of intrigue was all the godling offered up as he finished the last few inches of scoring along the edge of the dagger. Setting his chipped stone to the side, he lifted the flap of leather to ensure he hadn't scored the line too deep. There were a few places where an indent or two had managed to form in the second layer, but otherwise he hadn't sliced through the first layer anywhere.

He glanced back up at his uncle as he removed the elegant blade from the half-made sheath, and spent a moment adjusting his grip until he felt comfortable. "Good! At this point you want to make sure it's exactly how you want it and if you want to make any adjustments now is the time. Take your time cutting it out and make sure that's where you want to cut it because once it's cut you can't undo that. Once that's done we can talk about how you're going to bind it all together." it took all of his inner strength to keep from wiggling with glee like a pup at the continued approval from Plague, so he decided to try and channel that warm feeling into making something. Pontifex settled for gently clasping the butt of the handle between his incisors and guiding the end of the blade with a careful paw along the line he'd made. He took it slow, wanting to ensure he had the motion right and didn't damage his uncle's weapon while he used it. As the last edge fell away along the wobbly line he'd sliced through the well worn hide, he was left with the final shape.

Carefully, he set the dagger down atop the leather, and looked back up to Plague. "Would the cord I brought work? It's sinew, but I think it might be sturdy enough." he questioned softly, tipping his head to one side quizzically. He could always finish the project at home with some sturdier binding materials, which were likely to be hiding somewhere around the shrine. Plague had already helped him practically finish the crafting, so he figured he could probably do the finer details later without tutelage.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.