
day gaunts

ikigai - Fall Intellect prompt



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
08-14-2021, 01:45 PM

Something about the slow, steady rhythm of crafting the pendants brought a sense of ease to the godling that wasn't typical of him, a calm type of clarity that lent itself to speaking more than usual. He still listened to Ikigai as she talked about her day to day life, tall auds pointed her way while he sorted through bones and bored holes in delicate shards of seashell. "I work hard to learn everything that I can. I want to make my family proud and bring honor to my house." she admitted, and it struck a chord within the amethyst dappled boy- he was very much the same in that respect. her delicate laugh escaped in a gentle melody like silver bells, and she kept on talking. "I'm really no different than you." she added, though he could certainly find a few reasons why he may beg to differ. Regardless, he wasn't one to argue, and instead let the internal objection slide away from his focus in favour of listening to Ikigai's soft, lilting voice. "My siblings and I, we're all different. I work hard because I want to. My brother, Oki, he likes to goof off and play, but he's smart and he learns. Take doesn't speak, but he observes and learns. Kit is... distant. Sadly, I don't know her very well despite being sisters." she said, lending him insight into who his other cousins were outside of sermons. He hadn't seen all of them at the gatherings, and outside of glimpsing them during his nightly walks through the less travelled reaches of the pack lands, Pontifex couldn't say he knew too much about them at all.

He was beginning to feel tightness in his shoulders from slouching towards the ground to keep using the dagger. Svelte bodice lowered to the sand with the gentle folding of delicate forelimbs, leaving his neck arched instead to hold the blade steady while he worked. It eased the tension in his muscles, and left him closer to his smaller cousin's eye level. In perfect timing too, as she leaned over to him and quietly whispered, "You're not supposed to have favorites, but Ike is my favorite. She's so sweet and we're always there for each other." to which the young wraith chuckled quietly. Nodding his head lightly, he let the hilt of the dagger free from his jaws and drop into the space between his wrists. "It's the same for Faith and I, we've always stuck close together, even when my other sisters are off doing their own things. We do a lot of chores around the shrine together, and help mother when Obi is busy." he replied, dark lips curving into a small smile at the knowledge that he wasn't alone in having a favourite sibling.

"What's it like to be the son of the Omikuji?" Ikigai asked him, and he hesitated for a moment. He wasn't certain it was all that special, aside from the propriety placed upon him in his role as one of the hands of God through his mother's direction. Humming softly, he sought out the words to articulate his earlier days. "It's like you said before, I work hard to make mother proud, and to bring God's light with me wherever I go. We have our daily prayers, sometimes I have to clean up the shrine, or help mother tend to her duties, and there are lots of lessons about our duties as children of the Omikuji. Otherwise, I spend a lot of time by myself, or with Hallux." he lifted his gaze as though expecting the dark feathered bird to be swooping down from overhead just then. He thought he could see her flying towards him, low to the ground so she didn't get caught in the strange currents brought by the waves. He looked back down to the finished bead between his paws, and frowned. "I don't think the other wolves in Ashen like us very much, even though they don't say anything to us about it. I hear little comments, when they don't know I'm there, but I've never said anything to mother about it." he added, quieter than before.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.