
judge, jury, executioner



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-14-2021, 02:46 PM
Indigo called the meeting to order, and began in the most surprising way she had not been expecting. He asked Duchess what she had to say for her actions, what she planned to do to set her actions right, then asked each of them what their take was. To no surprise, Duchess showed a true lack of remorse. She looked like she shrugged it off, shooting back that she could fish and that she'd take care of it. Em's eyes narrowed to the little violet woman. Of course she wasn't fucking sorry. She had gotten exactly what she wanted and was basically getting off scot-free! No one had the balls to do anything to truly punish Duchess other than scolding her like they would a small pup after playing too rough. This was asinine, it was offensive, and it pissed Emersyn off. Indy looked to them, waiting for their responses.

Gypsy, the sweet little dear, did reprimand Duchess for her crime, but refused to allow the pups to be the tool of punishment against her. She offered to watch the children while Duchess performed her duties and tried to regain the trust of the band. Segin, who was currently leaning into her side so hard she thought he might topple over if she moved even a fraction of an inch, spoke logic and sense. Recovering from a birth and getting the pups to a point where they could be weaned so Duchess could hunt and fish would take a tremendous amount of time, and by then they'd be well into the winter months. He suggested moving back to Auster until the pups were old enough to travel where it would be warmer and easier to raise and provide for them.

Then it was her turn. Em could feel the eyes of Indigo on her, but she didn't bother looking at him. She was too busy glaring daggers at Duchess. Everyone was so easy to forgive Duchess, to find a silver lining or give her an excuse for what she did, but they were all forgetting that Duchess had done this with a motive. Her intention to keep Indigo selfishly to herself by any means necessary, even if it put them all at risk. She didn't give a damn if the rest of the band starved or froze or worked themselves to death if it meant she could have her own little world with their leader. Emersyn saw through the facade Duchess put on though. She had seen the spitefulness and venom of the girl personally. She knew if given the chance again, Duchess would have no qualms doing anything to get what she wanted, and the dusty violet fae had not survived a lifetime of abuse and pain to be led to slaughter by a succubus like her. It was because she had seen the true mind of Duchess that Emersyn knew she could never trust Duchess again. Never.

But Emersyn didn't say anything. Oh, how she wanted to though. She wanted to berate Duchess, to tell her what little worth she actually had to the band, how the trust she'd had could never be regained and that if it was up to her, Duchess' puppies would be a thing of the past already. That was the only punishment she saw fitting enough to make the little bitch actually feel anything for jeopardizing their lives. She wanted to turn on Indigo, to snap at him for being so irresponsible and gullible, to demand he act like the leader he wanted so desperately to be, to yell at him for how he'd betrayed her trust to keep them safe, and to tell him that his sister hadn't been wrong when she wanted to kill Duchess. But she didn't say anything. Emersyn just looked away from both Duchess and Indigo, smoldering duo-hued eyes turning to the ground instead of looking at either of them. Her silence said everything she didn't though. Emersyn would not participate in a mock trial that had no real bearing on anything. There would be no justice, not unless she made her own.
