
Kick them wicked things




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-14-2021, 08:04 PM

Having been given a clean enough bill of health to begin training, Eska wasted no time in getting Ulric into the field. As the silvered woman exited the castle and stepped into the sunlit courtyard, the golden light reflected off of the shining silver embellishments. It was the first time that she'd been able to wear the armor since having it crafted. It fit well, hugging her frame in the correct placed. It was relatively lightweight, but sturdy. She quite liked it.

Approaching Ulric, she noted that he wore his armor as well. A grin turned up the corners of Eska's maw. She really only gave full smiles to the man before her. The woman noted the blatant staring and stopped, allowing Ulric's eyes to get their fill. Their armor matched in build and construction, but while hers was black and silver to match her coat, Ulric's was brown and gold. It complimented him well and Eska also let her sulfuric gaze rove over his form. The man came in close, kissing her hard. His words brought a throaty chuckle from the fae and she grinned. "You'll get to peel this armor off of me afterwards either way," she promised softly before turning away to prepare.

Ulric gave instruction and Eska nodded, looking to Avaset and Baz in turn. Both dogs also nodded. They had trained together a bit and had massacred a lion together, so they'd developed some knowledge of one another. It would benefit them during the fight.

"I won't break," Eska reminded the man that she loved, her eyes glittering mischievously. Immediately after she pushed off and ran head on towards him. The dogs flanked her on either side, rushing forward and crossing paths in front of the armored woman to pull the gaze of the man and his own dogs after them. Eska continued straight ahead and ducked low before arching upwards, her jaws open and ready to latch into the underside of Ulric's jaw. It would be easy to sidestep, sure, but Avaset was already coming up behind him to slam into the backs of his legs.


Eska vs Ulric for Spar
Round 1/3
Age: Over 1
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Defensive Battle Accessory: Reinforced Leather Cuirass
Companion 1: Belgian Malinois, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Belgian Groenendael, Male - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter