
Time To Kill




Expert Fighter (188)

Advanced Intellectual (100)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - AromanticSamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Snake Eyes
Pride - Demisexual
08-15-2021, 07:38 PM

She's Sweet Like Candy In My Veins
I'm Dying For Another Taste


Just like him, there was little that really got under her skin. She didn't really need a reason to pick a fight, to test her skills or learn from the loses. She wasn't much a sore loser, well she was in her own way. She wasn't outward about her loss, but it did bruise her ego and make her strive to do better. She had lost to Kuroki in the tournament, and she saw that as an opportunity to do better. But it wasn't her life goal to come back here and beat him up and show who was better. Of course if he gave that opportunity, she wouldn't turn him down. But there was no ill intent in her actions to fight him.

"Don't think I have to ask you to enjoy the time together then." She spoke with a small smile, turning her face towards him. She wouldn't let each of them prepare, that wasn't really how battles worked in her mind. If someone wanted to hurt her, they would just attack. Not let them get all nice and ready for an impact. So she quickly lashed out, an open jaw attempting to grab hold of the front of his left shoulder blade while she tried to lift up her front paws, hoping to get a hug-type hold around his forelegs or maybe at least one of them. They weren't too much different in height, he was a little bigger but they were the about the same age. But her aimed bite attack was what kept her from trying to hug higher around his shoulders. She wasn't one to think far ahead at least, and it always gave her a huge disadvantage.

Onyx vs Kuroki for Spar
Round 1/?

Age: Over 6 Months
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: N/A

Walk "Talk" Think

Mature! For foul language. Can be prone to violence.