
Your Blood and Bones are Mine to Hold



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-15-2021, 02:29 PM
Aliana saw the gleam of dominance in Chimera's eyes when she presented herself to him with the collar around her slender neck, noting the way his eyes lit up with a fire as he appraised her with his gaze. Throughout this entire moment, her master hadn't said a word, and he wouldn't begin to now as he wordlessly slipped closer to her like an apex predator closing in on his kill. Once he was seating in front of her with his paws coming up to tighten the collar around her neck, Ali's breathing hitched, coming in shorter, anxious gasps. She could feel the leather pulling taut against her skin, applying just the right amount of pressure to her throat. Every time Chimera would pull the collar a little tighter as he tied the laces, the petite fae wondered if he would tighten it to the point where her breathing stopped. Her life was entirely in Chimera's paws and left to his whim. If he wanted to choke her and watch as she squirmed and fought for air, he could have done so in the blink of an eye. Aliana could do and would do nothing to stop him. He owned her, every single part of her, and if he wished to snuff her life out while her body writhed in a vain struggle for oxygen then she would be sure he enjoyed the final show he got from her.

That scenario never came to life though. Chimera finished lacing the collar up, Aliana feeling it tight but not uncomfortably so around her neck. She brought a dainty paw up to trace over the smooth black leather, letting a soft exhale out as she amazed at the feeling it brought her. She was Chimera's; she had been Chimera's since the day she arrived on his island, but now she had a physical manifestation of his possession over her around her neck permanently. Warm tingles started in her belly, the same sensation she'd felt when he'd pulled her into a cuddle during the thunderstorm some weeks ago. She kept her muzzle tipped back to allow Chimera to enjoy the sight of his slave wearing her new accessory and bask in the dominance he held over her. When the black and white brute caught her chin in his paw and held her still while his lips came crushing to hers, Ali gave a muffled murr of surprise. Her body quivered and she melted when she tasted Chimera's tongue slip into her maw, greeting him with her own gentle tongue as a soft whine of submission and need left her. That warmth in her depths grew, her heart racing in her chest, aquamarine eyes slipping closed behind fluttering lids, losing herself to him.

Her world began to shift as Chimera slid his free paw around her lithe body and laid her on the den floor as if it took no effort at all. Chimera's strength had always amazed her, especially when he was using it on her. He moved her gently, taking care not to harm her as he positioned her the way he desired and covered her body with his own. Ali gasped for breath while she gazed up at the behemoth, her eyes running over every part of him she could see from his handsome, youthful face to his broad, powerful chest and coming to rest on his two-toned eyes. This was the first time he had taken her this way, chest to chest, face to face. It made Ali's heart skip a beat, though the reason was lost on her while he positioned himself on top of her, her legs falling open to welcome him into her. Her eyes stayed on his while he sank himself into her, drawing breathy moans and gasps from the small woman while he filled her and she got to savor the reactions he had. Unlike before, Aliana didn't show reluctance to touch him now, tiny paws that had been curled to her chest shifting to press to the planes of his muscles and stroke over his chest and shoulders while he locked her firmly in his embrace and began to take her.

Chimera was uncharacteristically gentle with her, his motions slow yet deliberate, each motion felt deep inside her but measured so as not to hurt either of them. Aliana's eyes fluttered closed as Chimera pulled gasps, heavy breaths, and moans from her, each sound a natural response to what he did to her. Her paws gripped at his luxurious fur whenever he made her body tense, her hind legs moving to find his waist and offer him every angle he desired. Ali gave all of herself to Chi, different from their normal coupling, but equally as intense to her. She basked in the weight of his body on hers, on the sounds he made, of his masculine scent in her nose and the lingering taste of his tongue in her mouth. She didn't lie still beneath him as he took her; she held him, stroked his contrasting fur and his warm skin, she rolled her hips up to meet his and feel every bit of him. Toes curled and body trembled as he worked her to her peak as often as it took for him to reach his. As much as he enjoyed her, she was enjoying him, a small smile pulling at her lips while she watched the pleasure etch itself on his face. Ali tipped her head back again, offering herself to him for whatever he wanted. She felt her collar jostle gently with each movement of his body against hers. She moaned Chimera's name between gasping breaths, announcing to the world who she belonged to in her sounds. This, right here, was where she belonged.

- fade for "reasons" -


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.