
The Life Among The Dead

Fam, Ulric



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-15-2021, 10:56 PM
Ulric nodded quietly as Balthier introduced himself and confirmed that they were here to see Aranea, his silver gaze glancing toward the smaller girl at his side as he introduced her as well by mentioning that she hadn't seen her mother since Aranea left the first time. He did remember that there had been three children that had come during the visit with Allegro and in the brief moment he was trying to gather his thoughts he glanced up and saw two more walking toward them - another young man and woman that came forward to join their siblings. The boy mentioned the girl's name - Psalm - before introducing himself - Solo. Balthier, Azzurra, Psalm, and Solo. He wasn't sure why he committed the young wolves names to memory, but he did. "That's quite alright, you arrived just in time," he said to Solo, managing a small smile before he looked back to Balthier again.

"I'm... sorry to say that she's no longer here," he explained after a moment, his expression darkening as he did his best to gently broach the subject. He quietly wondered to himself why the yearlings were here on their own without Allegro, but he wrote it off as the children's attempt to connect with their mother even though their father didn't want to interact with her and didn't ask about the black and gold man. Besides, they were old enough to travel on their own he supposed. He sighed softly, his ears flicking back. "Aranea passed away... She had been pregnant and there were complications."

He tried not to go into the details. He wasn't sure how much Allegro had told them or how much the other man would want them to know. He already knew that Allegro had turned her away after seeing that she was pregnant again, but he didn't know the details of that either. He stood quietly for a moment, trying to let that sink in before he added softly, "I can take you to her grave if you'd like... And you're welcome to stay here for the night to recuperate before you go back home."

Ulric Adravendi