
Take a break




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-16-2021, 01:32 AM
Emersyn had been feeling quite silly with her response to his question. After all, who just asked for a family when given the option to have anything in the world? She reached for the bottle of wine, which was now over halfway empty, and caught the emotional look on Segin's face while she brought the bottle to her lips. She didn't know what was going on inside the littler brute's head, but she seemed to have hit a nerve in him with her answer. She swallowed down a long, healthy gulp of the wine to try and chase away the awkwardness her honesty had left her feeling. Segin, however, wouldn't let that go so easily. Completely unexpectedly, Em found his forelegs wrapping around her neck while he clung to her, all but hanging off of her while those emotional tears built up in the corners of his handsome silver eyes. He sniffled them back, then he began to give alcohol-induced hiccups, bringing an amused smile back to Em's face. Segin was reeeeeally feeling the effects of the wine, it seemed! Not that she wasn't too, if her spinning head and flustered heat radiating inside of her were any indication.

Segin declared his desire for a family and a home too just before his face disappeared into her dusty violet fur. Em gave a light laugh while she watched her ridiculous band mate throw himself all over her in an emotional fit. Sometimes Segin was a lot to handle, but she loved him all the more for his passion and his big heart. Segin lamented his lack of a real family, and although he didn't speak much on it, he didn't have to. Em knew the horrors he had faced to get to where he was today. But then the smaller brute beamed up at her with bright, excited eyes and said they could have a real family, lifting himself closer until she felt his lips leave soft kisses on her chin. Emersyn couldn't help but grin and laugh at his enthusiasm when he continued to try and urge her on, claiming they could have a family and make their dreams come true. Segin's constant optimism was infectious, and the little ray of sunshine was exactly what she needed in her life.

"We could have a family!" she agreed with his claim, leaning closer to plant her lips firmly to his in a deeply affectionate kiss. "You're such a sweetheart, Segin, and I love you for everything you are. You make me feel like the greatest fae in the world, y'know that? If I was gonna have a family with anyone, I'd want it to be with you. You'd be such a good father!" Em wasn't sure how much of her talking was the wine speaking, or if it was the wine giving her the confidence to say what was on her mind and in her heart. Segin and Indigo were the only two brutes she'd ever mated with, so perhaps that was biasing her opinions on who would be a good partner in making a family some day, but her scale did tip in favor of Segin. Any fae would be lucky to have someone like him to raise a family with. Her tail wagged behind her, unintentionally brushing over his hip and thigh as it betrayed her enthusiasm for the topic they were discussing.
