
judge, jury, executioner



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

08-16-2021, 04:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2021, 06:41 AM by Indigo. Edited 2 times in total.)
Indigo was mostly disappointed in what Duchess had to say, there was no remorse and she looked annoyed at even being brought to confrontation. The nomad leader hid a sigh as she offered her solution, but didn’t even hint at apologizing for her crime against all of them. Indigo looked to Gypsy as she spoke, his heart aligning the most closely with her. These were his pups. In the end he had to claim responsibility for every move made by the wolves that called him leader. They were all an extension of himself, and Duchess had made him blind to her glaring faults. She wrapped him around her little paws and he hadn’t been able to see the truth until it was too late.

Segin’s take was similar to Gypsy’s, and Indigo watched the man and his hopefulness and positivity shine through. Indy felt the corners of his lips pull back in the hint of a smile as he watched the man speak, but any semblance of the joy Segin gave him was wiped away as he looked to Emersyn. Her gaze averted and the tension within her obvious from where he sat across from her. She wanted the puppies if not Duchess dead. The only justice she could see. Indigo swallowed the emotion the thought overwhelmed him with.

He was a kind and gentle soul deep down, there was nothing that would ever change that. He would never be able to sentence his own children to death, no matter the circumstance. "You put all of us in danger, and you won't even give us an apology?” She wouldn’t give him an apology for her deceit? There was no remorse, and he could see her selfish nature as plain as day now. The hole in his heart Asla created ached and burned with fervor as he looked back to Duchess and hurt deep within.

"I believe we can overcome this failure, and I appreciate your willingness to help me do so,” He spoke softly as he looked to Segin and extended a paw to rest over Gypsy’s. He needed them, all of them, to get through this. Emersyn was by far the most upset, but he didn’t know what he could do. He’d never be able to follow through with her desires, it went against everything he’d ever stood for. He cared deeply for Emersyn, but he couldn’t change himself for anyone. "And your honesty.” He finished as his eyes returned to Em. He knew how close he was to losing her completely, but he didn't know what he could do. He’d made his decision, and he wouldn’t change course. He could only learn from it.


Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.