
Finding A Friend



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 10:19 PM

Erani nodded as Azalea answered her questions, her mental muzzle grinning like a Cheshire cat. ?Hmmm. We?ll just have to see, won?t we.? was her cryptic reply to Azalea?s question. When Erani asked Sarak the same question and got his reaction, Azalea spotted it and glared at him, which reduced the male to a puddle on the ground, tail tucked over his belly, quivering. The Cheshire cat in Erani?s mind snickered.

As Azalea followed Erani?s gesture and rolled over Erani kept one eye on Sarak, who opened one eye and watched, concern in those emerald eyes, and right then, Azalea spoke up. Yup! That was it. Erani hid a grin and lowered her eyes to Azalea?s belly. There was a scratch, a nice long one close to the left thigh. It wasn?t deep, but she?d give it a cleaning with some Yarrow juice. ?Nope! There?s a scratch, but you two are perfectly healthy. As for the scratch, I?ll clean it out with a bit of Yarrow juice, and you should stay out of the mud.? Oh this was fun! ?As for these symptoms you two are having, you?ll understand them in time.?

She stepped back to give Azalea room to rise. ?I saw a patch of Yarrow along my way, let me just fetch some. Back in a flash.? She made tracks, trotting out of the area. She waited until she was out of earshot before she gave a chuckle, maw pulling into a grin. She waited a good long moment after grabbing the yarrow, until she started heading back.