
Goats and Gypsies




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
08-16-2021, 06:37 PM
Tensions between the band members had kept everyone's interpersonal relations strained at best and nonexistent at worst. Because everything was falling down around them, Emersyn had done her best to keep everything working for the most part, as Indigo had become all but useless in his depression which he was now only coming out of and Duchess was turning into a fat pregnant mess. The nomads had moved down to the Fern Gulley in preparations of heading south to Auster to whether out the winter and give Duchess' pups a fighting chance. Between her everyday tasks and their moving preparations, it had become nearly impossible to find any time to herself, but when she did, Em tried to unwind any way she could. Today, however, relaxation seemed like it would be avoiding her. Storms had picked up, as the weather in Boreas had become turbulent as of late, and heavy rainfall pelted the land and dark thunderclouds blotted out the skies to an almost nighttime darkness.

While the rest of the band started moving supplies and herding the goats into the dens they'd made, Emersyn had noticed Gypsy looking panicked. "Gypsy, what's wrong?" The smaller fae had mentioned how one of her goats was missing. Em scowled and surveyed the nearby area. The sudden storms must have spooked one off. Had it been anyone else, Em would have insisted that they let the goat go and they could search for it once the weather had passed. But this wasn't anyone else. She knew how much the goats meant to Gypsy, how they gave the timid girl a purpose and a focus. She took a moment to let Indigo know where they were going and then found Gypsy again. "C'mon, I'll take you to go find your goat," she said to the tiny fae. In the rain, Em would have a hard time finding the goat's scent, but perhaps Gypsy, who spent all her time with the goats, would do better than her. "Do you want me to lead you or do you want to ride on my back?"
