
Pretty is as Pretty Does



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 10:49 PM

Erani smiled softly as the young male answered. From his silence, and the faint rustiness of his voice, she had a feeling that this was something that didn?t happen often; him talking. Ocena?s minor reaction to his words confirmed her suspicions. She nodded. ?When she came over to Valhalla, just before she? passed, to help with my birthing, I asked her to be my sister, and she accepted.? She smiled at the young male, before her eyes turned to Orica, who was nodding at his last words. ?I can think of no better wolf to emulate, Orica.? To Orica?s apology, she added, late, ?And that?s quite alright, but if you?d like to cross the borders next time, go ahead and howl, I?ll tell Chrysanthe that you are welcome, that you come from the old Glaciem members. I can show you herbs, and teach you what I know. Good healers are a thing this world needs, and I?ll do all I can to attribute to the next generation.? She smiled then listened to Orica?s explanation, nodding. ?Keeping stockpiles full is always good, and with that pouch of yours, it must make gathering so much easier.?

Indeed, she could smell more herbs than she could hope to carry in her maw at once. If she had one of those, she could get so much more, and maybe even have extra time for, or say? A nap? She smiled at the thought, listening to Orica talking about Mercianne. ?She came to Valhalla not long ago, to ask advice about birthing. Very sweet lass. Her and Ocena. Now from what your Aunt Asheni said about Ocena?? Her deep blue eyes twinkled at the young female. ?Her daughter looks a great deal like her mother.? It was then that Surreal arrived, and Erani turned her head to watch the clumsy attempt to avoid running into the male. A smile pulled at her muzzle at the look on her daughter?s face, and she didn?t miss the look in the green eyes of the young fellow. Judging from Orica?s odd look at her guardian, this wasn?t normal. Erani felt her senses tingling.

Surreal slunk to her side, and Erani turned her head to run her tongue over Surreal?s forehead, stifling a grin at the silver yearling?s aghast and embarrassed reaction and the whispered ?Mother!? Deep blue eyes twinkled gaily as she turned to look at the other two yearlings, letting Surreal introduce herself.