
Pretty is as Pretty Does



7 Years
08-05-2013, 11:06 PM

Surreal was very thankful to have thick, fluffy dark fur all over her body, save for her throat and lower jaw, because she was sure she?d be glowing bright pink right about now, or maybe even red as he mother bent her head to lick her face. ?Mother! She ducked, well aware that the boy was watching her. He looked like Creed, but instead of greys, blacks, and whites and all in an interesting pattern, this fellow was huge, and made up of cream, beige, and brown, sporting green eyes. There was no doubt that he was one of Creed?s brothers. And she?d nearly run into him. And she?d fallen on her tail. And her mother had licked her face in front of him!

The female piped up, and Surreal gratefully grabbed onto the distraction, trying to ignore that hot feeling under her fur, and the ticklish, fluttery sensation in her middle. Why was her mother smiling like that? ?I?m Surreal.? Her voice was a lighter, higher version of her mother's, with a peculiar mixture of accents. Scottish, British, and Russian. The rolling lilt caught on the 'R's in her name, pearling them like whitecaps on a lake. Her mother smiled wider, adding, ?And my eldest daughter.? Mismatched gold and blue eyes dropped to the ground, but she felt her pride at being the daughter of Erani swell in her chest. Her mother was adoptive mother to Chrysanthe, who was the alpha of Valhalla! Who wouldn?t be proud of that?

Gaze lifted to glance at the boy. He was still staring at her like she had two tails. It was tempting to look down at herself to see if she was covered in mud somehow. A flutter of bright yellow and black wings. Her eyes lifted, snatching onto the butterfly that had started all this. It seemed to be teasing her. No! Her rump plonked down stubbornly onto the earth, tail flopping beside her right hip. She would not follow the butterfly. If she did, she?d probably end up actually tackling him. Why did that make her tail tip wiggle? Quit that! She pressed her paw down on her tail. And now her fur was hot again.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.