
Crime and Punishment

Venom, Hattori, Kitsune, Takeshi



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-17-2021, 04:51 PM
Venom balked and retaliated like a spoiled pup unable to accept a grounding. Toxicity was unimpressed and unmoved by her words. She said she'd never give up her father's name and Toxicity had to hold back a scoff. "When was the last time you even spoke to him? Called upon his name?" Venom tried to deflect that Toxicity didn't deserve the holy name because.... She... Spent too much time with the spirits? Toxicity's head tilted for a moment as Venom spoke, trying to make sense of what she was saying. Spending too much time with Abraxas spirits somehow made her less worthy of the name? "Spending time with the spirits and teaching our kids while building and maintaining the holy shrine makes me a less worthy Abraxas than an empress who sits in her palace and comes to the palace, what, once a season? Tell me, when did you decide being the pampered and revered empress among mortals and inbreds was better than being a humble servant to the gods and their teachings?" Although Toxicity knew that it happened the moment their mother fled and Hattori became her servant.

Venom told her to leave the pack with her pride in tact and this time, Tox did scoff. "Pride? When have I ever needed pride? Is that your issue? Your pride is too strong to correct your own children's shortcomings?"

Maybe that was it. Her mortal desires had grown too large. She no longer could face the idea that as Abraxas, they were equal.

"Would your pack know the meaning of the Abraxas name without me? Your mate? Your children?" She blinked back the frustrated tears in her eyes. Venom was supposed to be the one good sibling, damnit. "When even was the last time you prayed with them? When was the last time you even prayed yourself?"

Venom threatened to make Toxicity regret they were ever family and Toxicity just signed. She was tired. This was obviously more about mortal feelings for her than Abraxas feelings.

"If you feel like that truly, then I suppose I already do. And I suppose after I leave the pack, I should tell Pesto to come back. Maybe you'll give her an island and some slaves too. Would have been easier for you if she had killed us on that mountain, wouldn't it? You'd get to keep the holy name without anyone to hold you accountable to it. So tell me, Holy Empress Venom, what is your ideal outcome here?"

Toxicity vs Venom for relinquishing the family name
Round 0/x
Age: over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Platypus spurs - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Marauder