
we don't care, we don't mind




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-17-2021, 07:00 PM

"speech" "Japanese" thoughts "others"

Aimlessly drifting on the currents of a new master's whims, the frail assassin let himself be herded from one place to the next. Today, he was lounging at the back of a stone hollow, penned in with saplings amongst wolves who had learned better than to test his mettle. It was rare that anyone bothered him anymore, and he simply waited for the next path to open up in front of him. The other captives were far more agitated to be penned in, and didn't often take him up on his offers for entertainment to pass the time. Needless to say, he was woefully understimulated, and beginning to consider starting a fight just to occupy his attention for a while with something. The small rations didn't affect his health too much, he'd been raised on small portions and survived a famine in his lifetime. Where his cellmates were sluggish and snippy, he was settling back into old rhythms of napping constantly and only getting up to move when the temperature rose at midday.

The half blind slave that the marauder king kept had emerged from the tunnel, and at his side was an immense ebony wolf with teeth nearly half the length of the koi's forearm. Seafoam gaze glimmered with intrigue as he watched them converse quietly, before Absinthe moved in closer to the pens to inspect the captives. Was the imposing male looking for a toy? He wouldn't mind being someone's plaything again, especially for a strong man like this one. As the names rung out, carefully selected and announced by a tongue that bore a lilting, Slavic accent, a picture began to form. These were the large, imposing wolves who had readily bumped shoulders with one another during the long voyage on the sea, threatening to tear everyone in the vicinity to shreds when they reached their breaking points. The buyer wanted warriors, or mercenaries. Hard to say for certain what exactly was on the agenda for these folks. The delicate male folded one dark forepaw over the other, casting an assessing gaze over the tall male as he stared through the sapling gate into his pen. Mint eyes met magma, and he nearly didn't register his own name escaping Absinthe's jaws. Oh, what a treat. Always full of surprises, this one. He hadn't missed the care with which the stoic servant had collected that poor ex-noble and put her to bed after the guards had their way with her. The man was a softie, whether he tried to hide it or not.

Rising slowly to his paws, the ache of his joints betrayed the less than ideal living quarters he'd been forced into. Hissing a breath in between his teeth, the dappled male shook out his dark coat to ensure it fell smoothly across his angular bodice. He waited patiently for the guard to pull back the hardened saplings enough for him to squeak through, and then plodded forth to fall in line with the other prospective slaves. Pastel green gaze drifted over the armed mutant that stood before him, opting to hold his tongue in favour of standing at attention. Tail hung limply against his hocks, though his auds stood tall and gaze fixed just over the tall man's shoulder as he awaited a verdict.