
Finding A Friend



6 Years
08-06-2013, 06:26 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2013, 06:27 AM by Azalea.)

As she glared at Sarak the boy melted away, withering to no more than a submissive mutt on the ground. He was belly up, begging her pardon but more than willing to take whatever punishment she would sentence him to endure. She couldn't see him well from where she lay, sprawled on her side and her view got even worse as she rolled onto her back for Erani to investigate her stomach region.

?Hmmm. We?ll just have to see, won?t we.? Azalea listened to Erani without any doubt in her mind. It was impossible for her to even consider that the look on Erani's face meant that she was hiding something, anything. ?Nope! There?s a scratch, but you two are perfectly healthy. As for the scratch, I?ll clean it out with a bit of Yarrow juice, and you should stay out of the mud.? She pulled her ears back, frowning a bit. She didn't like being told what to do and if she was healthy as a bull elk then why in the world did the scratch need cleaned out?

?As for these symptoms you two are having, you?ll understand them in time.? Now Azalea was really frustrated, with everything. She rolled onto her stomach and sat up. "But you said we were healthy! If I am sick then I demand you tell me what is going on right now." Oh, yea, Azalea was pissed, that much was obvious in the fact that she was using her position as Heir to demand things of the elder woman. "Get up!" She hissed at Sarak.

Erani brushed her off though, a yearling was no threat to her and Aza failed to know just how foolish it was to tangle with the pale wolf. ?I saw a patch of Yarrow along my way, let me just fetch some. Back in a flash.? Erani moved off, heading through the densest patch of foliage. The hot headed female pivoted and padded resolutely back to Sarak. "And she calls herself a healer," the young female grumbled. "What do you make of this?" Her voice was still a few octaves too high. When her eyes found Sarak's she saw that look of worry still on his face. With a sigh she let her frustrations go, moving very close to him before raising a paw to bat at his face. "Enough with that, she said we're fine and I believe that at least." Or did she? The distraction brought by pawing at his face as enough to release him of the stress, at least for a moment, and the look that hid under it... her stomach flipped and her heart skyrocketed into her throat.

Okay, maybe she didn't believe Erani.
