
Mister Steal Your Sister




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-17-2021, 07:35 PM

Serenity had seen a lot up from the wall of the castle. She spent nights up there usually unless the weather was bad. She spent more time up there than the room she had claimed to make Ulric a little more content with her being apart of the family. And aside from doing patrols, hunting when needed, being nearly a mercenary for The Hallows, the wall was where she spent all of her time.

Wolf watching was her past time, especially while she wanted to stay so secluded from the others. She couldn't quite hear conversations from up on her look out, but sometimes the murmuring. Watching them, it made her feel connected to them. Or like she knew them. She knew that wasn't all true though. Maybe she just felt better observing the wolves of The Hallows since she wasn't quite out there with them. It was almost the only way she 'knew' them.

She had spotted Lillith and Romulus from along the wall, though the beaches were far enough away that she had trouble making out who it was in the waters. She didn't loom over them though, that was a little weird after all. She already had enough weird stalking everyone from the overview. She had let some time pass, a lot of time, before she ventured down the tower and out of the castle. She had followed the boy's scent, or more like the scent of the ocean and wet fur and found him on the patrol around the boarders. She approached him from his side, a gentle and cheeky grin, "Evening. Uh, noon? Whatever." She shrugged her shoulders, stopping only if he did but didn't mind walking along the patrol with him either. "Hope you don't mind some company." She may have seemed rather blunt and forceful, but he kind of needed to get over it if Serenity was going to put on a roll as the big sister.
