
Eyes Like Open Doors




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-17-2021, 08:21 PM

Lillith didn't have much of a problem making up to the wall, that was okay with Serenity. She would have helped her if she needed, but she understood that sense of feeling strong and capable for yourself. Well, that was her whole life after all.

Serenity noticed only a slight blush as Lillith thought about Roman, but didn't stare her down and try to make her feel awkward or anything. Serenity was usually pretty easy to be around, comfortable. She supposed her personalty could have bordered on an annoying side, or maybe her reactions almost seemed uncaring or neglectful. But she didn't feel that way. She just floated on a breeze, and she expected the rest of her family and everyone else to.

With no hard eye on her younger sister, she only glanced when either one of them spoke, mostly keeping her eyes out on the plains and the ocean. She had seen the pair on the beach that day, but she wasn't looming over them like a hawk. She had also seen them around the pack together, so it wasn't just one occurrence. Which is why she asked at least.

Lillith had insisted he was special, but not special, special. And Serenity couldn't help but grin at the statement. "Special enough to come visit you in the morning." She side eyed her with that smirk, but didn't force her into any explanations or anything like that, "Though I guess that means you're pretty special to him too."

She chuckled lightly, hoping she wasn't making Lillith too uncomfortable with the conversation, "Don't want to prod you or anything. But if you want any advice, or have any questions, I guess I'm your gal." She side eyed again before shuffling a little bit to get her legs out from under her, "Special, or special, special. Whichever."
