
what hurts the most

deer </3



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-17-2021, 10:16 PM
Ulric just happened to be on the fringes of The Hallows lands when the vulture came to fetch him. He had been out scouting through the wild berry grove and the large bird interrupted him as he was gathering some berries to take back to Eska. He looked up at the vulture with confusion, recognizing him as one of Sirius' companions from his many trips in and out of the pack, but he hadn't seen much of Sirius since before the Ashen tournament. He didn't know about everything that had gone on between the Warlord and Tamsyn so he simply assumed that Sirius was busy with this training program he had put into place that had kept Artorias away for the season. Either way, when he heard that Sirius wanted to use the favor that he owed after all this time he dropped everything to answer the summons. He sent Arlise and Lieven back to the pack to let Eska know where he had gone and immediately headed off toward Boreas to see what he could want that would make him cash in the favor that Ulric had promised him nearly two years ago.

It of course took him a while to cross the bifrost and weave his way around to the edge of the plains, following the vulture's lead as he was brought to where Sirius and another woman he didn't know were waiting. "Sirius," he greeted with a nod, giving the black and white woman a curious glance as well as he dipped his head to her politely. Focusing his attention on Sirius, he settled back onto his haunches. "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever actually going to use that favor," he said with a slight smirk. "What do you need?"

Ulric Adravendi