
Everything I Ever Wanted

Avacyn and Saracyn Birth



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-18-2021, 01:03 AM

Time inched forward as she drew closer and closer to the inevitable, waiting anxiously to give birth to the two pups that had made her stomach grow round and swollen. Going farther than a few feet from the den had turned into a chore so she never really went farther than the hilltop above their den, but more often than not over the last week or two she had either remained in the den or just outside of it. The feeling that their children could make their appearance literally any day now was firmly in the back of her mind and as much as she wanted them to continue to grow and develop as long as they needed, she was equally as eager to finally have them and be free of the limitations of her pregnancy. She had plans and dreams she wished to resume her preparations for, but she couldn't do those things until their children were finally born.

It was late in the evening, the sun already mostly set, as she laid among the many furs that basically carpeted the den at this point with a couple places that were particularly plush and stacked with them in beds of sorts. The largest of the piles was of course for her and her husband and the other was reserved for Irilyth - though she did sometimes invite the girl into their bed as well depending on her mood. Shades of red and orange filtered into the den from the sunset. She had begun to feel even more restless than usual a couple of days prior, occasionally pacing around the den when she just couldn't stand to lay still any longer, but in that moment she was laying leaned back into Alastor's form, trying to find any way to lay comfortably when everything felt utterly uncomfortable no matter what she did. Little contractions and hints of what was to come had tormented her over the last couple of weeks as well, but there was nothing to show for it just yet.

With a sigh she began to roll to her large paws again, standing with a bit of effort. She didn't say anything to her husband or handmaiden as she began to waddle toward the entrance of the cave, resuming what felt like an endless cycle of pacing around and attempting to get comfortable again. She walked out of the den, but only made it a couple of feet before another contraction stopped her, this one stronger than the other ones she had felt. Manea winced slightly at the pressure and discomfort it brought, but what caught her off guard was the feeling of wetness spreading across her thighs, making her brows lift with surprise. She chuckled softly and turned back around to go back the way she came, walking toward the stores of herbs Irilyth had been building to retrieve the ones they had set aside for this moment. "Looks like our little demons are finally ready to show their faces," she told the pair with a smirk, taking some of the motherwort before she came to lay back down with Alastor, nuzzling into his neck as another contraction ran through her and made the muscles on her sides ripple noticeably with the effort as her body began naturally bringing the pups into the world.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny