
Everything I Ever Wanted

Avacyn and Saracyn Birth



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-18-2021, 02:13 AM

Manea gave a little grin at Alastor's excitement, feeling his paw rubbing across her stomach and appreciating the licks he gave her neck along with the other affections he covered her with. She gave a slightly breathless chuckle as he insisted that she bite into him should the pain get too intense, already panting lightly as the contractions began to come closer together very quickly. "I'll remember that," she agreed, turning her head to kiss what she could reach of his jaw. "I can't wait to meet them either, my love," she told him with a grin, nestling back into his larger form and leaning her head into his neck as Irilyth swept into the room with all of the necessary herbs, falling into the role of midwife easily. Even though Manea knew most of the herbs needed for a smooth birth, she still appreciated the explanations Irilyth gave as she lifted the responsibility of keeping track of what she had taken and how much. It was a nice steadiness to have as she went into her first birth.

"Thank you, Irilyth," she said genuinely as she glanced down at her handmaiden after she had checked the pups and declared that she would soon be a mother, smiling softly before lowering her head again to put her attention into steadying her breathing and paying attention to her contractions. Her mind wandered as minutes passed, grimacing and wincing as the contractions steadily came and went, that discomfort and pressure building with each one as their children began to make their way ever closer to being born. She thought about the births she had witnessed in her life from her aunts to her mother... and her sister that was taken from her far too soon as she gave birth to Nirvana and her siblings. Her paw squeezed the upper portion of Alastor's foreleg as a bit of nervousness that fluttered in her stomach. She wasn't carrying nearly as many pups as Kallisto had been and there wasn't as much of a difference in size as their had been between Kallisto and her mate so there weren't nearly as many risks as there had been in her pregnancy. At least she could rest easy knowing that if anything ever happened to her then Alastor would see to their children unlike Nirvana's father.

A particularly strong contraction made her grit her teeth and her claws cut into Alastor's leg on reflex, a growl rumbling in her chest. As it passed again she sighed, panting more heavily as that pressure and discomfort slowly shifted more toward pain. They were making their way into this world quickly, the contractions almost one right after another at this point. She didn't reach for any of the pain killers though. She had easily agreed to the motherwort purely to make sure the contractions continued to come steadily and easily, but if she could resist the pain killers she would. As her labor continued the sun continued to set, quickly shrowding the interior of the den in shadow and making it so that Alastor nearly blended into the darkness and she could just make out faint details and outlines of Irilyth's pale form. There was only faint light from the stars filtering in since the moon was dark, a new moon taking away any light it might have provided. She very briefly considered asking Alastor to go build a fire to help them see by, but just as the thought crossed her mind another contraction caught her and made her lean more heavily into him as she growled again. No, she didn't want him going anywhere. She needed him right here with her as she breathed in this pain and birthed their previous children.

Led mostly by her instincts and her knowledge of how a birth should go, she eventually began to push with her contractions, each one more painful than the last as their large pups were moved along with the tensing of her muscles. As one of them drew closer and closer to being born that pain became more constant and she tucked her head into the crook between Alastor's shoulder and foreleg as she snarled, giving a low groan of pain through gritted teeth as she gave another hard push. She panted hard for a brief moment, but her body was no longer giving her much reprieve and as she prepared to give that final push to deliver their first born child she let her jaws open to bite into the upper part of her husband's leg, tasting his blood on her tongue as she growled through the worst of the pain and finally pushed the first pup free. Her body immediately relaxed in the momentary relief between the two pups and she let go of Alastor's leg so that she could lift her head to see their pup.

It was hard to make out the finer details right now in the dark, but as soon as Irilyth placed the pup within her reach she tenderly moved their child closer, her chest swelling with pride at the fact that they were finally parents. Her biggest goal in life, her most important dream, had been fulfilled. The squealing pup settled in at her stomach and in the faint light from the outside world she could just make out the swirls of purple hued fur, but it was difficult to tell the exact hue with their fur still damp and the lack of light to see by. She glanced back to Alastor with love and joy in her aqua gaze, eager to see his reactions before she was swept up in the contractions once more. "You're a father," she whispered to him breathlessly, a giddy chuckle leaving her as she caught his lips in a quick kiss.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny