
Run Off the World

Deathbelle and Tamsyn



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
08-18-2021, 05:32 PM
It was a quiet walk back to The Hallows with Deathbelle. He had attempted to make a couple bits of small talk to try and get to know her, but he could tell she wasn't really in the mood. He couldn't really blame her - heartache was a hell of a thing and from the sound of it she had experienced more than her fair share. He sympathized deeply with the woman and he wondered if perhaps once things settled down and she had a chance to sort through some of her emotions if they might get along well with their shared experiences. For now though, his biggest concern was getting her settled in to the pack and getting her the help she obviously needed whether she wanted it or not.

As they neared the border of the pack he glanced down at Deathbelle, telling her, "I know Sirius had said that you had submitted to slavery, but... We don't keep slaves here." He hadn't felt like bringing up the subject in front of Sirius, feeling as if it was better to separate the two sooner rather than later. Now that she was here though he felt like it was better to start laying some kind of ground work for her to adjust to her life here. "We're in need of healers at the moment. I'd like to place you in the ranks with our healers and you can help our lead healers Gwynevere and Syanna with their work. I hope that's okay with you." He wasn't sure if she already had knowledge in that area or not, but if nothing else she could help the Seneschals with organizing and collecting herbs with a bit of guidance.

Once they reached the courtyard in the middle of the castle walls he lifted his head, calling for Tamsyn. He knew that Tamsyn had lived in the Armada for a long time and that Ashen and the Armada were closely related so a small part of him hoped that the women already knew each other, but either way he felt like they would be good for each other as well as needing to deliver the news about Zee's wellbeing.

Ulric Adravendi