
Watching, Waiting, Commiserating




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
08-18-2021, 07:02 PM

Cináed skulked out toward the border of the pack. Yet another day passing by without any word from his father. He refused to go looking for him himself. After seeing that he had gone out of the pack and taken two of his siblings with him and left him and the rest of his siblings behind Ciná really didn't feel the need to try. If his father was going to abandon him then he'd return the favor. If his father suddenly decided he was worth paying attention to again he might change his tune, but he wasn't just going to grovel at his father's feet for any scrap of attention he might get from him. He huffed with a frown creasing his expression at the thought. Was that why some of his siblings were more favored than him? Because they threw themselves in front of him and begged for his attention? Pathetic. He was the only one actually putting an effort into his training, seeking out fights... If that wasn't enough to earn his favor then maybe he didn't want it.

Without really realizing it, he had crossed past the scent marked order along the pine forest and when his golden gaze lifted from the ground in front of him he saw that he was approaching the crumbling stone wall that he had spotted from the border a few times. He hadn't bothered to come out to actually investigate it, but there was clearly nothing worth doing or paying attention to within the pack so he kept going, completely disregarding any directive he had originally been given to stay within the pack. It wasn't the first time he had snuck out by any means, but in his current state of mind it felt particularly pointed disregard of the rules.

As he got closer he spotted the now familiar form of Onyx moving along the top of the wall, pacing back and forth over the wall that was crumbling and broken in places. He smirked slightly at the sight, drawing toward his frequent sparring partner curiously. "Is this some new training regime?" he questioned with a chuckle as he got close enough to be heard easily, following the wall and walking along beside it next to her.

Cináed Praetor