
Death before unfitness




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
08-18-2021, 07:47 PM

"speech" "Japanese" thoughts "others"

The cool mask fell away briefly to show a flicker of irritation on the Warlord's face when the titan turned on him, long fangs flashing in the afternoon light as he was fixed with piercing sapphire eyes. “If that is how you wish to see it, Satoru, then yes. Get her into shape the snarl was a command, under no uncertain terms. He flinched away from the man's anger, mint eyes dropping to the ivory marked toes and auds tipping back towards his skull. Slim skull dropped low in submission, tail half tucking between thin thighs. Without further ado, the Warlord loosed a deep, sonorous call that shook through Nao's ribs and settled into his breastbone. He maintained his submissive posture, keen to keep the ire of the giant male from falling upon him any further. Dark paws shifted his weight subtly, adjusting his stance into something that highlighted his frailness and delicate bone structure. It would be a shame to hurt a new toy, especially one made of such fine china- it was his preferred method of deterring assault from new masters.

There wasn't too much of a wait between the fading echoes of the Warlord's summons and the sound of heavy footfalls. Fluttering lashes lifted to take in the approaching wolf, and the source of the obsidian beast's concerns came into view. Now he understood why the imperative was so heavily emphasized. The girl couldn't have been more than a year old, but she had donned an unseemly amount of weight in her short life. Freckled cheeks twitched as his schooled his expression from a slight frown into something neutral, keen gaze trailing along her flanks and down her limbs. He had seen spoiled princesses before, far too old to lay claim to the excuses of clinging baby fat. The difference here was that he was now in charge of forcing the extra bulk off of the girl. She bore some beautiful turquoise feathering along her spine and over her eye- mirroring the Warlord's faux scarring. There was certainly potential hidden beneath the extra fat, so he knew what to work towards. He noted the wariness in her expression and stride, slowing to a cautious slink for the last few paces. "Um..hello." the girl said, tones betraying her anxiety.

Tapered skull dropped low in a formal bow, one delicate forepaw lifting from the ground as he submitted to her status. He elected to keep his mouth shut, and locked his eyes upon her dove gray paws for now. He would allow his new master to take the lead, lend him some cues on where he stood in terms of addressing and interacting with the young princess. It would be critical to be seen and not heard for the first few days, and soak up his new circumstances before he made any serious moves. It was hard to say exactly what liberties he would be offered, and to what extent he could direct the princess in her training.