
The Once and Present Kings

Gargoyle I


08-06-2013, 01:43 PM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

Gargoyle never spoke for reaction's sake. During his speech, his eyes were only on the red wolf occasionally, mostly their lifeless golden depths were set upon the ground to the road ahead. 'Lost in thought' wasn't the right word to describe it. Gargoyle knew his way around his better thoughts by now. What he had no control over he stuffed away and focused only upon what he needed to get his family through the day. It wasn't glamorous. It wasn't regal. But it was what it meant to be a leader in troubled times. Times changed. Winter to spring. Spring to summer. Things got better. Despite all the chaos, Awaken and Mercianne had found time for romance and the two lovebirds were to be expecting a litter soon. Awaken was Gargoyle's, well, friend, but much more intricate than that. They were equals in many ways, including the violence in their pasts, but to Gargoyle, Awaken would always be the 'Rookie' he had to keep an eye on. The brilliant idiot who'd earned his place by shedding blood in defense of the pack. It was nice to see that he was finding his own happy ending.

And meanwhile, Gargoyle and Ocena would soon be having their second litter. Gargoyle was going to be a father again. What a blessing. It was a rare side of him that he showed around Ocena and his young children; some of the Gargoyle that once was, all those years ago before his been left for dead, loosing his family, and then loosing his way. But good has a way of coming out of bad, and this recent turn of events had been no exception to the rule.

Maverick's answer came, generous and thoughtful. Gargoyle was thankful, but he was impressed to. Seemed to him that the male had the makings of a great King. And he was curious about what set of circumstances had lead to this change of power, but that was a question to ask later. First, it befitted Gargoyle to make some show of manners, even if the offer was well beyond anything they needed at the time. He dipped his blackened skull once more, and for a moment his eyes caught the light and glittered distantly with gratitude. "Many thanks, young king," said the brute. "But for the moment a drink of your lake water and the benefit of your company is all I could ask for." The halt that had come to Maverick's step was remedied and Gargoyle followed him to the blue expanse of the lake side.

He walked until his tawny paws found coolness in the water. If time permit, he'd have to end up taking a swim. For a such a big creature he was quite adept at moving about in the water. Size didn't matter as much there and for a behemoth like him, the water was a natural ally in the summer. He only wished his original swimming lessons had been the more pleasant, carefree sort, instead of training exercises to catch watersnakes. Didn't seem to be any of those pretties about today. Perhaps it was too hot for them too. The northern beast brought his muzzle to the shimmering surface, catching a glimpse at a monstrous grey-black reflection a moment before his lapping disturbed the water. He knew better than to gorge himself on the liquid, so he took his time and straightened up. A pink tongue flicked over his jaws, catching the stray droplets.

His mind was still on current affairs. He was a quiet sort, and it was no strange thing for him to speak, take a pause and then pick up right where he'd left off. "It's actually been easier since the move. We have all the protection of a pack, but without the constrictions of boundaries, or the target on our backs for ambitious idiots or loners seeking their fix of wolfblood." He shook his head sternly. "Things are quiet now, but we had to kill two rogues this past season. Well, three if you count the one I took over the waterfall." That had been the one who started everything. Creedance Voltaire, the wolf who had slaughted Asheni. Gargoyle and he had had quite the fight and taken quite the fall, but if Gargoyle had made it out of the river alive... it was just possible that the murderous brat had as well. Gargoyle didn't like to have to kill anything. Well that was actually a half truth. The reason the sane part of his brain didn't like it was because he enjoyed it all too much. Every true warrior lives for the rush of blood in their ears and the growls and the swings and the dance of fangs and fur, but Gargoyle... he walked a thin line. Always had. But in the end it didn't matter so much as long as he got the job done and there was one less villain to endanger those he swore to protect.

"But enough about me," he said with raise of his paw that flicked a fine spray of lake water about. "It seems that much has occurred in the southern kingdom as well." It was an open invitation for Maverick to talk. Gargoyle was genuinely curious about the pack here, and though he'd done his best to restrain that while the more grave matters were put on the table, he could let a bit of that show now. Crusade had gotten to have a week long vacation here, and then later come back for a bull fight. At the very least Gargoyle desired a swim in the lake and a talk with an old friend.


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint