
Spirit Animals and Fire



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-19-2021, 12:38 AM
Aris squinted dubiously at Ardyn when he described getting his ass handed to him by the bear. Was this... humility? Seemed counter productive to tell stories in a way that made you seem weaker than everyone around you. That was just asking to be bullied and bossed around.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" she shrugged when he mentioned a spar sometime, but her eyes gleamed at the thought. Ok, so she liked fighting even though she didn't get to do it much. It was a thrill to pit yourself against another - probably bigger - opponent and vie to come out on top. Part fueled by her ambition to be the best and part by pure pleasure in the adrenaline rush. She'd have probably suggested they spar right then and there if the weird colored carrion bird hadn't come back to jabber at Ardyn.

And that sure got Tansy's attention, the cat's suddenly tense posture and eyes nearly all pupil as she focused 100000% of her attention on the bird. On the one hand, Ari hoped that Tansy'd remember her manners and not murder Ari's new friend's bird, but on the other hand it would be kind of fucking super hilarious, so Ari refrained from saying anything to her to influence what happened. She just sat, grinning as she watched the undercurrents.

"Love to come along!" she chirped. She wouldn't miss for the world seeing Tansy's reaction to the continued presence of her favorite prey animal. She'd been like this with Dirk for a while too, but the jay's constant rude commentary and corruption of Ari had offended her right out of her fascination.

Tansy twitched hard when the bird took off again, the abortive movement clearly an instinctive reaction to the flurry of wings but the blackfooted cat barely kept herself in check and didn't throw herself onto the bird. Pity. Probably for the best though! She got the feeling that Ardyn would be the type to get upset about that sort of thing.

The cat continued to practically vibrate as they followed Ardyn along behind the bird, and her attention was super fixated on the glowing thing even as Ari bounced up next to Ardyn. "Soooo what you thinking?" she asked curiously, studying the stuff he was studying to see if she could puzzle out what his plan was for it.