
Everything I Ever Wanted

Avacyn and Saracyn Birth



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
08-19-2021, 12:41 AM

Irilyth waited as Manea pushed and strained through her contractions to birth the second pup. But unlike the first, this one did not go as smoothly. Despite her continued efforts, the pup did not emerge. Iri's brow creased with worry, but she remained calm and faithful that Manea's body would complete what it was designed to do. But as the seconds dragged on into minutes, that worry began to mount. She glanced up and caught Alastor's nervous expression and did her best to give him a reassuring smile. Pretend everything was okay and keep them calm. In the back of her mind though, she was already considering what she might have to do. More motherwort might help, but it may not take effect in time before the pup suffocated in the womb. Manea would have to make it through this naturally or risk losing her child.

Gently rubbing Manea's hip, Irilyth gave little sweet nothings of encouragement, and when she finally began to see the pup crown, she breathed a sigh of relief. The second child, a boy significantly larger than the girl, bore a more striking resemblance to his father once he'd been cleaned, and came into the world squealing and screaming right off the bat. Irilyth carefully passed the pup to Manea, who settled the unruly boy into place next to his sister, where one of the giant fae's teats did the trick in silencing his cries. Iri breathed a heavy sigh, her body relaxing back as the birthing was completed. The furs would need to be washed and cleaned come the morning, but Manea seemed to have made it through with no internal injuries, no harm to the pups, and the birth had gone smoothly. "It was my pleasure, Mistress. Congratulations, both of you!" she said before giving a demure nod and slipping out of the bedchamber when she was dismissed to gather the materials for a fire. A small smile graced her lips; proud of herself for a job well done, and happy for the new Mendacium family.

- exit Irilyth -
